Originally posted on Patreon in March 2019 and part of the Great Patreon Crossposting to WordPress.
Complete with compass rose.
And a little bit of ad-hoc nation-building:
In the language Skwu, the native language of a very small ethnic group which now rules the eastern coast, the nation is called Ñouyiweppu /ˌɲɔjɪˈwɛppʊ/ – which means bowl.
Nobody is quite certain why it is called bowl, as the nation is not particularly bowl-shaped, but what they do know is that the Nape /nap-pe/ (meaning something like we are – who rule this nation are enigmatic, complicated, and very often irritated by linear thinking.
(why several of their borders are straight lines* is likely because they must share those borders with other people, and because those neighbors have found that very clear lines are needed to fend off the Nape.
(language seed from https://www.vulgarlang.com/ – Seed for this language: 2289758632760337 )
* to be shown in the political map upcoming
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