Born of a Fish, a drabble of Fairy Town for the Random-Bingo

To [personal profile] kelkyag‘s prompt to my other bingo call.

This fills the square “Born of a Fish”[Aarne–Thompson classification system #705] square and is from my Fairy Town ‘verse.

There is a fountain in the park that never goes dry and never freezes.

In this town, that’s more than a bit notable. The fountain is never touched with graffiti, never littered in or near; the grass is always trimmed and the stonework perfect.

It looks as if it goes down forever. It looks as if it is a portal into some distant sea. And the fish there are big, and fat, and beautiful.

Babies come from there, sometimes, when the need is strong, popping out of the water as if born from the fish.

And sometimes babies vanish there.

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