X# Things Makes a Post

It occured to me this morning – at 3 a.m., whilst feeding the cats – that the difference between “oh, god, it’s only Wednesday” and “oh, good, it’s only Wednesday” is just one letter and a world of attitude.

I’ve been trying not to lose my time pushing for the weekend, so I’m thinking hard about that difference. “oh, good…” I have three more days to work on deadlines, I have more time to wrap gifts before Last Christmas, I have more time to get stuff done at work. I have more time to go to the gym.

I can work with that.


Speaking of gym, I’ve worked out using my tablet + the treadmill as a walking desk. Problem is, it has to be one specific treadmill (or two, if they ever fix the second one like that); the others don’t have enough of a “shelf” to support the tablet’s keyboard.

On the positive side, it’s really really fun!


It’s so cold out… (how cold is it, Lyn?)

So cold my hair freezes when I go to my car (that’s pretty normal, Lyn).

So cold the schools keep closing (that’s not that unusual, either).

So cold that when I took Oli outside, he lasted a minute before politely asking to go inside – and that, that is strange.


And… Mobbing Midnight! It’s getting there, it’s getting there.

I’m really excited about this, guys. Not just because it’ll pay me SFWA professional rates. Not just because I get to be in an anthology with some awesome authors. But because it’s outside of my normal story, and I like being challenged. I never would have written this particular story without this anthology, and I think that’s awesome.

For $12, you can not only help me get closer to two of my new years’ resolutions, you can also have a lovely anthology full of great stories. I’d call that a win-win situation.

On tumblr? Reblog this post for a chance at a free copy of all three anthologies – not just Mobbing Midnight, but Fight Like a Girl and What Follows (featuring my story “Monster Godmother!”)

Want to buy all three anthologies? ($25) Do it before Friday 2/20, and Fireun will record something – anything – for you.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/899232.html. You can comment here or there.

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