More of a vignette than a true story, a bit involving two pure-bred Ellehemaei some time not too long before The War. Verena has appeared recently in “…There is a Military Group in the Area. …”
“I’m sorry, Tancred, but our family is depleted and this was the deal we could make.”
Tancred‘s mother didn’t look all that sorry. If anything, she looked pleased.
That was like her, though. She’d solved two problems with one stone.

Originally posted during the run of Addergoole: The Original Series, so sometime between 2009 & 2012.
It rained at Martin’s funeral; Meckil made sure of it.
She wasn’t allowed at the funeral; ancient ancestral promises banned her from hallowed ground across the continent. So she stood outside, under the branches of the linden tree that had Named her, dressed in mourning as befit a widow, heedless of the scandal, and watched, working the Words of the rainfall into Martin’s eulogy.
Read On!

After Beryl and one Specific Boy, which is after B is for Beryl and her Boys.
“I know,” Jake admitted, “a cemetery isn’t really the ordinary sort of place to take a girl on a date. But I figured, you’re not an ordinary sort of girl, and, really, I’m not really all that normal myself, so why would we go on an ordinary date?
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