“You’ve always been a coward.”
The voice – her own voice – chased Abby as she walked quickly down the mall hallway. She knew where she was going. She knew she had her Livs with her, and several others, some Sandies. No Kevins, no Vics. Not yet.
“If I have always been one and you know it -” Abby looked over her shoulder but kept walking; kept walking, kept walking. She could tell in her gut that it was important, but she also knew she didn’t want this other Abby to follow her. “-then it’s because you’ve been one too. We’re all the same at the root, aren’t we?”
That was so different from what she’d been telling her Livs that she expected ‘Via to yell at her. Instead, ‘Via smirked at her and, to her other side, Olly squeezed her hand.
“You’re full of bullshit! I’m nothing like you!”
“And you know nothing about me.” Continue reading