Rock Gardens.

I’ve been thinking about rock gardens.

I even have a Pinterest board of rock gardens.

See, our property has a lot of rocks. It’s got so many rocks, it’s sort of like someone dumped a thin layer of topsoil over a gravel quarry.

(Someone did. The glaciers. We’re at the bottom of the Finger Lakes, which means we’re the dumping ground for a lot of Canadian rock. Anyone want their rock back?)

So as we do anything in the yard… we pull out rocks. Big rocks, little rocks. Tiny rocks and huge rocks.

We’ve started covering up a pretty horrid border garden to the west side of the house with large flat rocks, tucking Coleus plants in between the rocks. It’s looking decent so far; will look better once we get down more weedcloth.

But we have this wet sunken corner of the yard… and I’m thinking more rocks. Rocks, and a little water feature. Maybe a waterfall.

What do you think?

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0 thoughts on “Rock Gardens.

  1. Do you need to consider a rock wall? That would probably need a professional wall builder though and that would cost money.

    • I’ve considered it. But we don’t really have any need at all for a wall, where we *do* need something in that swampy corner.

      • A waterfall would need the water to flow and possibly be recycled through the system and that would need a pump. Is it wet enough to be a pond if you dig it out?

        • I plan to use one of the pond/waterfall forms and a pump. It’s really wet, but not sure *how* wet yet.

          • I sort of hope that if you dig you don’t find that there’s a spring under there. On the other hand, there’s no chance it could be a broken water pipe, is there? I did hear about a school once who thought they had a bit of wetland and it was all carefully conserved and used for outdoor environment learning and stuff, then someone finally got around to investigating why their water bill was so high. The plumber found a leaking pipe under the ‘wetland.’

      • Half of the rock walls in New England are just convinient rock-stacking places, not denoting boundaries or anything.

  2. I love rocks, and particularly love rock walls – they are a huge tradition in New England (cause those glaciers left rocks all over the place here too). A pond/water feature is neat too. But yeah, I approve of rocks as objects of interest!

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