Tag Archive | episode

A Start, a story for the Orig-Fic Bingo

This is to [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s prompt to this January card for [community profile] origfic_bingo.

It fills the “love at first sight” slot, and is in no established verse – although Holly MIGHT end up being in my Episodes ‘verse

They first ran into each other at a tiny regional sci-fi con. Holly was doing her favorite Bleach cosplay; Grace was wearing an extravagant medium-length dress and a pair of knee-high boots. She had an overcoat atop, the yellow frogs standing out in stark contrast to the black of the rest of her outfit.

They observed each other for a moment between the roleplaying-book booth and the tinted-contacts table. Grace spoke first, a little frown creasing her white-powdered forehead.

“Yoruichi Shihōin, right? From… Bleach.”

“Right!” Holly found herself grinning.

Grace made the gesture equivalent of a flourish. “My roommate loves anime. And thus, because it is a small room and a loud tv, I have begun to learn to love anime, too. Have you seen Death Note?

“Have I? Have I…!” And thus, they were off and running. Cons were little pockets of existence away from reality, and so it was easy to talk to a stranger, easy for Holly to invite Grace to breakfast so they could keep talking

IRL was trickier, but there was always gchat and twitter and soon they were talking every night, @GraceFired, what do you think of this idea for the next con; @TheBerry, OMG, I found a new lipstick that mimics the color of corpse lips.

It was late one night, on gchat, 100 times more private than twitter even if Google was reading everything, when Holly finally was brave enough to say “Gray… I think I love you.”

She stared at the words for a moment, and then typed hurriedly below that “I mean, not, not in a … I don’t want to… shit.”

“Chill, Hall. <3 I get it." There was a pause, the little grey line that said "Grace is typing…" And then, as if Grace wanted to whisper it: "I love you too."

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/697566.html. You can comment here or there.

Early morning, Thinking about The-*-Episode & setting

* Option 1: set it in an extant verse (*ducks Kelkyag*)
– Aunt Family
– Fairy Town (Still not sure those aren’t the same ‘verse)
– Stranded
– Fae Apoc
– Tir Na Cali

This isn’t the ideal option but it does avoid so much world building.

* Option 2: generic no-details Urban Fantasy verse
This is even less ideal, on the other hand, leaves me free to change things as I go.

* Option 3: custom-build an UF ‘verse in 6 days.
– I have an idea of shifting walls between realities, shifting magic levels, a belief-based ‘verse, possibly.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/697061.html. You can comment here or there.

So I went through episode descriptions for the first 10 seasons of CSI…

And then x-referenced against my/T’s memory of Bones and mine of Leverage.
Um. I’m gonna need a longer month.
(one * per show we could find/remember it in)

(this is in re http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/696410.html <– that post for Campnano)

Just a limb found *
Attack on a member of the team (finale)
Amish *
Fetish death **
Mistaken Identity *
Body Farm **
Magic Show*
Classical Music*
Rock Music **
Rap/Hip Hop/R&B Music**
Guitar Camp*
AU Episode*
Murder is suicide or suicide is murder *
Garbage dump*
Body Mod *
Officer Down **
Really gross decomp**
Home Invasions*
Buried Alive **
Juror Murder/tampering/etc.**
no-money game tournament (scrabble, chess, etc)***
Marathon *
Looks supernatural **
Mental institution * (the older/creepier the better)
Crop Circles*
Sci-fi Convention **

People involve:
Crazy Cat Lady*
Cheerleader/High school Sports*
Psychic **
Sex change*
Flight Attendant** (on a plane?)*
Deaf *

Family of a team member involved***

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/696748.html. You can comment here or there.