Tag Archive | prompt: kinkbingo

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Part 5

First: The Collar (LJ)
Previous: Bad Girl (LJ)

Content warning: noncon caning


Their room in the castle was fine, the bed a four-poster. He stripped the finery off of her and tied her wrists and ankles to the posts.

“Count, Princess.”

I hate you. But she had chosen this, and she’d have to take… “One.”

The pain was sharp, chill. “Two.” Then the heat. “Three. Do you hate… ahh…ahh… hate me, Master?”

“Hate you?” The can rested lightly against the curve of her ass. “No. I own you, Princess. That’s entirely different.”

“Yes, si-i-r.” The cane came down hard on one buttock and then the other. “Four. Five.” She could survive this.

Next: Either Way (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/449970.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 4

Previous: Into the Castle (LJ)

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“You’ve been very naughty, Princess. How shall I punish you? Shall I make you untidy?” His thumb brushed her mouth suggestively. “Cane you? or… otherwise?”

She had split his lip in her feigned struggles. But caning? “Untidiness, please, master.”

“You’re starting to like it aren’t you, Princess. The cane, then.”

Next: Punishment (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/448516.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Part 4

First: The Collar (LJ)

Previous: Setting Up (LJ)

Into the Castle
He allowed her to rest in the wagon while he drove to the castle. The giant edifice was a relic of bygone eras, refitted for the new day. And in the wagon, he dressed her, this time in a princess’ finest.

“You will be my lady;” he tugged on the collar; “my captured princess.”

“Yes, master.” It was the truth, after all.

“And you will struggle, a little, to make it look good. Fight a bit.”

He led her in chains into the castle, his ticket to the prince’s attention. Thus chained, she pretended to fight. Perhaps too well.

Next: Bad Girl (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/448382.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 3, try 2

Previous: In Public (LJ)
No DW account? Vote in the comments.

Explanation: This morning’s poll was sort of unclear, so I decided to try again with a slightly more clear set of options. Like your first vote? Let me know.

“You’ve been a good girl today.” And it had been a long, exposed day out on the town. Now, how shall we set ourselves up?”

Set themselves up?

“Where you wish, Master.” Stavanna was too tired for more than that.

“Hrrm.” He pretended to think about it. “Then the castle.”

Next: Into the Castle (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/447470.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 3

Previous: In Public (LJ)
No DW account? Vote in the comments.

Edited to add: Think this one needs to be clearer. Should I repost or plow on ahead?

“Very good.” He liked to pet her, it seemed. “Now, shall we go play house, set up a ‘house,’ or pretend we have a House?”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/446604.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Part 3

First: The Collar (LJ)

Previous: On the Move (LJ)

Content warning: this episode involves consent issues and penetration.

The Town Square. Stavanna tried not to see the stares. At least it wasn’t market day; only half the town was out.

“They know you’re mine.” The man’s voice sounded thick, pleased. “Let’s leave them no doubt.”


He unchained her, but fisted her leash. “On your knees.”

She knelt where indicated, on the footboard, oh, no, no… he was unbuttoning his fly, dropping his pants.


“Here, master?” In front of half the town?

“Here. Now.” His hand in her hair left no room for argument. She did as she was bade, with as much grace as she could.

Setting Up House (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/446460.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 2

Previous: On Display (LJ)

No DW account? Vote in the comments.

“You look nice like that.” He squeezed Stevanna’s thigh. “What do you think? Should we go to my cabin? Or to the center of town?”

Town or home? Either had its issues. “Whatever you wish, master.”

He smiled broadly. “Then into town it is. Hold on, it might get bumpy.”

Next: In Public (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/446161.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Part 2

First: The Collar (LJ)

Previous: The Auction (LJ)

On Display:
“So proud.” The man stroked Stevanna’s cheek. “And so expensive.” His hand went to the clockwork collar, then lower, to her dress. “Strip.”

The back of his wagon was a mess of crates, not the place for such things. But she was his slave now. She stripped.

He clothed her in a silk shift, then hooked a leash to the collar.

He chained her wrists, arms outspread, to the front hoop of his wagon, then hooked the leash to the top of the hoop, stretching her onto her toes. “You’re like a painting. And everyone will know you are mine.”

Next: On the Move (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/445761.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Poll 1

I did mention this was experimental, right? I will navigate my card – and this Stavanna’s story – based on answers to the polls. Polls will remain open until:

  • 24 hours have passed
  • 10 responses have been received
  • One option has a clear majority

, whichever comes first.
No DW account? Vote in the comments.

The Auction
“Well, then, out with you.”

The matching bracelets clicked around Stavanna’s wrists. Rose pushed her through the door.

Out the door, onto the selling stage.

“They didn’t want you bad enough.” The rough man grabbed Stavanna’s bracelets and steered her out of the auction house. “I do. So you’re mine.”

First: The Collar (LJ)

Next: On Display (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/445602.html. You can comment here or there.

The ClockWork Collar, or The Princess of Al-ben, a kink-bingo mini-story in 25 parts. Part 1

This is an experiment in a couple different ways, and a creation of, possibly, an entirely new ‘verse. It’s also a second attempt at filling Bingo with 100-word stories on my Kink Bingo Card.

The Collar

“You know, once this is on…”

The collar was the handiwork of an Enclave: beautiful, fine, filled with clockwork mechanisms and unknown trickery. It was cold in Stavanna’s hands, but she expected no less.

“I know.” She nodded at her mentor and handler. “There’s no taking it off.” She lifted her hair off her neck and handed the collar to Rose.

“And no coming back. You’re certain, then?” Before Stavanna answered, Rose was holding the cold collar against her throat.

“Certain.” She closed her eyes as the locking mechanism clicked shut. It fit her neck perfectly and irrevocably. “Steel certain.”

Next: The Auction (LJ)

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/445416.html. You can comment here or there.