…and the stuff I did that WASN’T my call for prompts….
I pondered What Basalt Looks Like
what Ceinwen & Thorburn’s changes are (LJ)for Year Nine
What the Wild Tribes Wear (LJ), for the Planners
(because I won another icon (LJ) from meeks)
and linked some
IRL Planners (LJ)
We discussed Strong Female Characters (LJ) (please weigh in)
I asked for help (LJ) finding a new WYSIWYG HTML Editor
morrigans_eve wrote me a kissing fic! REID/HERMIONE!
I started thinking about house things. (LJ)
Um. I wrote some, too. 🙂
The Purple Bag (LJ) is a Misc-world adventure
Thorburn and Ceinwen (LJ)had it out, a little
Rin & Girey didn’t (LJ) [donor perk]
I rebooted (LJ) an old setting
And another one (LJ)
And, as always, I linked some art (LJ) and some more (LJ).
This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/119825.html. You can comment here or there.