First: A story featuring a male keeper and a female Kept.
Previous: Owned
Guilt washed over Mélanie in waves. She dropped down to her knees from the chair and dropped her head to the floor but none of it helped. She’d yelled at her master. She’d yelled at him, and, and, and she’d made him feel horrible, and he’d apologized, which was not what was supposed to happen, and everything was cockeyed in the world and it was all her fault. “I’m sorry,” she gasped. She felt as like even that was too much speaking, as if she should simply melt into the floor. Would the House let her do that? Would it open up and accept her? And why hadn’t it interfered? “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
“Oh, shit.” Jasper hit the ground next to her. Mélanie tried to curl up more on herself. No, no, he wasn’t supposed to kneel, that was wrong. “Mélanie, please. Ow, hey. Mélanie… look at me.”
That was an order. She could follow orders. She looked at him. Continue reading