This story is of Eva, the main protagonist of the Aunt Family, and her nieces and nephews who have some spark or interest in the power.
It references Karen and Billy from Fated and Certain Things Remain (to one), as well as older Aunts in Eva’s family tree.
Niblings: ;
“All right – this is the last of this set. Our poor OCR is still having a hard time of them, but it’s doing better with Aunt Zenobia’s than it did with Beulah’s.” Eva smiled at the pile of journals and the scanners taking up most of the dining room table. “I wish I could hire someone to go through and keyword this all, but it’s going to have to be us — don’t give me that look, Bellamy, you know I’m going to pay the five of you. That’s not the problem.”
“The problem,” Beryl declared, with more than a bit of melodrama, “is that our Aunts talked a lot and wrote even more, and this branch has journals going back since before the family came to America. And there’s only the six of us and Aunt Eva is making more of these as we speak.”
“Actually, I’m working on that,” Eva admitted. “The ‘making more’ part, at least. Right now, I’m using a digital pen that records everything digitally as it records it on paper. But I don’t think- well, I believe there’s three functions to the journals, and only one of them can really be properly replicated digitally. Improved on, mind you, at the same time, but that’s just one of the things it has to do.” Continue reading