Silence reigned in the campsite. Lina looked at her mother. She looked at Jackson. She looked back at Mr. Lee.
Finally, Mr. Lee huffed.
“I do,” he muttered. He turned to look at Lina straight on. “You are certain you stopped the first wave? And you are sure there will be more and you can stop them?”
“The power plant-” Jackson began. Lina caught his hand and squeezed it and he stopped.
“I am certain I stopped the first wave. I’m as sure as I can be that I can stop the subsequent waves with enough back-up. My shields will hold. I just need enough power to channel into them.”
“You were supposed to be a greybearded man,” Mr. Lee muttered. “Someone with decades of practice behind them.”
“Sorry to inconvenience you?” She raised her eyebrows at him. “This is me.” Continue reading