Archive | July 25, 2012

Character Development Meme: Questions 4-6, Ceinwen, Garfunkle, and Kheper

4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?

“A bit?”

Ceinwen is not an hours-in-front-of-the-mirror sort of girl, but she can, on a special occasion, be an hour-in-front-of-the-mirror sort of girl. She buys clothes for a combination of comfort and appearance, and does pay attention to current trends in fashion, although not slavishly; she understands how to buy clothes to fit her figure, and does so.

In terms of money spent, Ceinwen spent, before school, a significant portion of her after-school-job money on clothing. She grew up relatively poor(*), with a single working-class mother, and so clothing she likes has always been a luxury she’ll go out of her way for.

(*) Regine’s stipend for the first-generation parents covered food, clothing, and a portion of rent in an averaged high-end working-class neighborhood. Ceinwen’s mother spent some of this unwisely, saved some of it wisely, and chose to live at the standard she had been living at before to teach her daughter responsibility.

5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the KINSEY SCALE? 

Gar walks into Addergoole thinking he’s hetero, “0,” on the Kinsey scale. There is some small denial there; he’s probably a one to two in reality, but he’s also a late bloomer and was only, as he entered school, beginning to express an interest in pretty girls. He had small crush on Penestemon that he never did anything about, and an even less-expressed beginnings-of-a-crush on Pania, before the first week was over. He’s rather fond of Timora, but wouldn’t describe it as sexual attraction, at least not yet. 

Also, he likes tails. 

6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory.
A vacation with his parents, far away from the city, sitting outside their RV, staring at the bonfire. 
Most of Kheper’s pleasant memories involve fire in some way. There was the time he almost set the school on fire. The time he almost burnt his house down. The four small arsons in non-populated areas. The discovery of Bunsen burners in science classes. The candlelight dinner with a girl, Amelia, a year behind him in school.

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Three Vignettes of Addergoole Year 9 characters

52 41 Days To 52 Weeks

For the 52 days leading up to the 52 weeks of Addergoole: Year 9, I will be posting something Addergoole-related every day.

I needed something relaxing, so I asked for three things to write relaxing scenes of. Here we go!

These happen sequentially after years 6, 7, and 8 of the Addergoole school, with a 6th, 7th, and 8th-Cohort viewpoint character.

“They’re beautiful.”

Abaddon’s smile was giddy, wide enough to stretch his face. His bone spurs, large and prominent when he was angry, had shrunk to tiny nubs of horns on his forehead. And there was color in his cheeks.

He turned his smile on Channing, who, sweaty, exhausted, and flushed, had spent the last twelve hours in labor. “You’re beautiful.”

“You’re stoned.” She was willing to smile back at him, though. That was a good sign. “They, on the other hand, are perfect. Are you ready to name them?”

“I… ack.” He handed the girl back to her hurriedly. “No?”

“Try to stay visible.” Jermiah’s whisper was barely audible, tall as he was. Zipporah nodded, but felt no need to say anything else.

“And stay close, please. We don’t know if…”

Now she frowned at him. He had gone from protective to over-protective once again.

“I know. But it’s a public place, Zip. And people are strange.”

People were, indeed, strange. She nodded at him, letting that suffice, and popped her parasol.

He wanted her to stay visible. But that didn’t mean she had to be noticeable. She settled onto her blanket and pulled the world up around her.

“Lean back, love. You want this done properly, don’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Phillipa grinned at her Mentor, not minding twitting her a little bit. “Are you sure…?”

“I’ve Worked a protect and preserve; your thorns aren’t going to hurt me. When’s the last time someone’s done this for you?”

“Over a year ago?” She sighed happily as the warm water washed over her scalp. “The girls who run the salon won’t, and I don’t blame them.”

“But I will.” Laurel massaged her scalp, working the shampoo through Phillipa’s long hair, ignoring the vines and thorns. “So relax, and let me.”

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