Archive | July 2014

Escape from Rochester – Camp Nano Day Twenty-Four (Kitty-escaped Short Day)

First Line of yesterday:


I didn’t recognize the voice at first.

Last Line of yesterday:

“Tell me you didn’t just get clawed.”

“I didn’t just get… clawed.”

Current Word Count:

Words Yesterday:


Death Count:

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Was That There…?

I asked for something fun to write here; this is to the 4th prompt, from KissofJudas (“Was that door originally there?”)

The team had been lost for days.

They didn’t get lost. They’d been hired not to get lost; they’d been hand-picked not to get lost. They’d all specialized, in their own way, in not getting lost.

And they’d gotten more lost than they’d ever been before.

It was this place, this labyrinthine old stone stack, like Lovecraft’s hotel meets an archaeologist’s nightmare.

Alexa’s hand brushed a doorknob, and it tingled. She stared at it.

They’d been over this stretch of hallway three times already – at least she thought they had. “Was this door originally here?”

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The Present

I asked for something fun to write here; this is to the 3rd prompt, from DaHob (She opens the man-sized box)

Zina walked around the thing three times before she starting cutting tape. It was the size of a coffin, not a typical birthday present at all, and labelled all over with caution and fragile stickers.

It was also the only present the northern baroness had gotten for this birthday.

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Give-me-something-fun-to-write Storylet 2: Kelkyag

I asked for something fun to write here; this is to the 2nd prompt, from Kelkyag (Gremlins!)

The car stopped. Again. Geoff checked the trunk, under the seats, the glovebox, and the little side-cup holders, again. Someone had hexed him, it had to be. But where was the mark?

Under the hood, the gremlin giggled.

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Give-me-something-fun-to-write Storylet 1: @rix_Scaedu

I asked for something fun to write here; this is to the first prompt, from Rix (When the family found out how great-grandma & great-granddad _really_ got together.)

“…and then I killed the beast.” Great-grandma leaned back in her chair, grinning. “And since I’d killed it, I got its prize.” Her hand landed comfortably on Great-grandpa’s neck.

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Escape from Rochester – Camp Nano Day Twenty-Three

First Line of yesterday:

“Um… guys?” Lewis’ voice from the back of the party wagon cut off whatever DK’s next argument would be. “Guys, I think we have a problem.”

Last Line of yesterday:

Kill him. Kill him now. Kill him with fire and with silver, with cold iron and hot coals”


Current Word Count:

Words Yesterday:


Death Count:

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Give me something fun to write

And I will write at least 10 words of it.

(I’m suffering mid-nano burnout).

Bonus points (at least 20 words!) if it’s Tir na Cali related, since that’s this month’s theme.

No promises re. cliffhangers.

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Escape from Rochester – Camp Nano Day Twenty-One/Twenty-Two (another non-day in there)

First Line of Monday:

It ripped my bandages but barely touched my skin.

Three shots rang out, one, two, three, steady and even as a metronome.

Last Line of yesterday:

Getting enough gas to even get to our destination is going to be tricky.”

Current Word Count:

Words Monday/Yesterday:
I gave up and moved my wordcount goal from 45,000 down to 37,800. Stress, too much stress.

33,000 31,000

Death Count:

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Escape from Rochester – Camp Nano Day Nineteen/Twenty (non-day in there)

First Line of Saturday:

I took inventory – Ess had a few nicks, and what looked like a blossoming bruise across the jaw, but not all that worse for all the wear we’d all just gotten.

Last Line of yesterday:

I stepped up just as it swiped at Candy, managing to catch most of the swipe on my jacket. It ripped my bandages but barely

Current Word Count:

Words Saturday:

Words Yesterday:


(I decided that I could add 101 words to each day between today & the 30th, rather than stress myself yesterday)

Death Count:

I still need to pick who died in chapter 4 and who was shot in chapter 5, also who went with them to the hospital. Any takers to pick from a list of names?

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Reynard, Introduction – a new story taking place in Fae Apoc/Addergoole ‘verse

Reynard woke to the point of a blade.

It was pointing, very, ah, pointedly, right between his eyes, and it was very clearly wood. He found it held his attention very… sharply.

The blade moved, although not in a way that he found at all comforting; it shifted from eye-crossingly close to his nose to ball-tighteningly close to his throat.

“The next word out of your mouth….” The voice warred for his attention with the blade. It was what had been called a whisky voice, throaty and husky. Definitely female, though. “…had better be yes.”

Reynard swallowed, forcing his throat against the blade. Bad idea. He shifted – tried to shift. Something pricked into his wrists, which were, it appeared, tied behind his back.

Ah, it was all coming back to him. Yes, she had him in a very… tight… position.

“You Belong to me.”

Yes, yes, that had been what he’d thought she’d say. He swallowed, reminding himself forcefully of the blade at his throat. “Yes.”

He waited for the air pop, for the feeling of falling. It didn’t come.

Still, the blade stopped poking him. He tried, hard, to bring his vision into focus.

She was putting the blade away. She was sheathing the blade, on her belt. That might be important later. Reynard swallowed. “Ah…?”

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