Stolen from
novel_machinist, and
thebonesofferalletters, and, as per the apparent trend, altered slightly:
I’m asking for one word prompts1,2. I’ll write whatever first comes to mind with those words. It might be a story, ramblings about a character, a conlang or worldbuilding musing, or something from my life.
1. Up to 10 per person.3
2. Bonus: You can post as many words in your prompt as you want as long as they all start with the same letter/same first few letters.
3. Additional prompts to any given day may be used to pick-and-choose, or they may be posted to Patreon or as an Edally or Adddergoole post. That means even when the dates are all filed, you can still leave more prompts!
1st: Endings –
novel_machinist –
2nd: Oregano – kelkyag –
3rd: Butterflies –
anke –
4th: Sunrise –
anke –
5th: Glitter –
anke –
6th: Swishy skirts *
7th: Seven silly sausage sellers swilling snazzy sodas
8th: Purple pretenses*
9th: Baking *
10th: Busy bees buzzing brightly, bearing beauteous bouquets *
11th: Dubious dirty diapers* kelkyag –
12th: Giant giraffes gambol gingerly*
13th: Poise*
14th: Ancient aardvarks are always achey – kelkyag –
15th: Careful consideration – kelkyag –
16th: Underneath umbrellas, unicorns unite – kelkyag –
17th: Stylish scalloped skirts swish shockingly kelkyag –
18th: Miracle*
19th: Tendril *
20th: Yoke *
21st: Ambiguity *
22nd: xerographing xenophobic, xanthopyllous xanthiums*
23rd: Void *
24th: Forbidden, forgotten, foreshadowing, forgiving*
25th: poffertjes*
26th: Deep delving dwarves discover dragons; discussions, disagreements develop.*
27th: Bombastic bishop blusters, bristles.*
28th: Everyone eats everything.*
29th: Wet waif wanders westward where wounded warrior waits.*
30th: Two tugboats twist, tumble through tsunami; trading town turns tumultuous.*
31st: Buxom barkskinned broad bestows bat; beribboned baseball babe blooms before big bout *
32nd: Crystal critters *
33rd: Love leaves longing *
34th: Swish swish swish *
* prompts were not date-specific.
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