The walkway dropped, stopped, and shifted. Abby grabbed tightly to both sides of the walkway and started moving as quickly as her rocky footing would allow. “Hurry,” she gasped. “¡Arriba, Arriba! ¡Ándale, Ándale!”
That was not going to help, but it was all she could think of at the moment. She pitched herself off the walkway and onto another square, this one seeming much sturdier. As soon as she landed, she scrambled to get out of the way for her friends and hauled herself to her feet.
Liv was off the falling bridge; Liv was almost there. She lept, turned, and grabbed Vic, catching the last girl as she leapt from the dropping walkway.
“We.” Abby panted. “Need.”
“-to get out of here,” Liv finished. “Hey, we found the map.” Continue reading →