Tag Archive | bingo

Bad Things Happen Bingo: Hitter (V)

Count: ~571
Chara(s): A Hitter (OC)
Pairing(s): N/A
Fandom: Org Fic – Fae Apoc xover
Prompt: Communication Cut Off

This continues a series of stories taking place in my universe, Fae Apoc, at the time just before the aforementioned apoc.  Portals are opening up to one other world at that time, and in this story, well, they happen to open up into a whole BUNCH of worlds. 

And from those worlds, a bunch of poor soon-to-be-victims-of-bad-things who bear some resemblances to fandom characters happen to slip through some portals.  And then bad things happen to them, because that, after all, is the name of the Bingo.

Content warnings for the series: violence, death, bondage, capture, drugging, visions. For this story: violence, wounds 

“All right.  So we’ve got him right where we want him.  He’s going to freak out just about now, yes, you’re a genius, yes I am, and there he goes running for the warehouse.  You got him, my man?”

“Got him.”  The hitter was perched on top of a stack of crates.  He had a long slash on his left side that he was ignoring – his t-shirt was acting as a bandage and it wasn’t that deep, not enough to slow him down – and a bruise that was threatening to close one eye shut.  but this fucker? Yeah, he could take him down without thinking twice.

“All right, and here he comes.  He’ll be on you in three, two-” Continue reading

Bad Things Happen Bingo: Scion (IV)

Count: ~1000
Chara(s): A Scion of a Noble Line (OC)
Pairing(s): N/A
Fandom: Org Fic – Fae Apoc xover
Prompt: “Human” Shield

This continues a series of stories taking place in my universe, Fae Apoc, at the time just before the aforementioned apoc.  Portals are opening up to one other world at that time, and in this story, well, they happen to open up into a whole BUNCH of worlds. 

And from those worlds, a bunch of poor soon-to-be-victims-of-bad-things who bear some resemblances to fandom characters happen to slip through some portals.  And then bad things happen to them, because that, after all, is the name of the Bingo.

Content warnings for the series: violence, death, bondage, capture, drugging, visions. For this story: violence, wounds, loss of choice, humiliation. 

This is probably Falco from this story

A. Author’s Note, repeated

Author’s note: In the universe in which this is set (My Fae Apoc ‘verse), for fae, saying “I belong to you” ties one into a binding Belonging of obedience and affection.  Scion below isn’t QUITE a fae, so it doesn’t work quite the same for him, but he’s still dealing with the emotional parts of it as the universe tries to figure out what he is, and the obedience is pressing hard on our poor boy.

B. Scion

Nobody here knew who he was.

At first, he’d taken that as a plus.  His family line, the thing he’d been so proud of, had fallen miserably in the war, chosen the wrong side and then, much to his horror and frustration, not even been all that good at being on that wrong side. Continue reading

Bad Things Happen Bingo: Thunder (III)

Count: ~1500
Chara(s): A God of Thunder (OC)
Pairing(s): N/A
Fandom: Org Fic – Fae Apoc xover
Prompt: Hate Plague

This continues a series of stories taking place in my universe, Fae Apoc, at the time just before the aforementioned apoc.  Portals are opening up to one other world at that time, and in this story, well, they happen to open up into a whole BUNCH of worlds. 

And from those worlds, a bunch of poor soon-to-be-victims-of-bad-things who bear some resemblances to fandom characters happen to slip through some portals.  And then bad things happen to them, because that, after all, is the name of the Bingo.

Content warnings for the series: violence, death, bondage, capture, drugging, visions. For this story: violence, lost of choice, capture. 

A. Author’s Note

Author’s note: In the universe in which this is set (My Fae Apoc ‘verse), for fae, saying “I belong to you” ties one into a binding Belonging of obedience and affection.  Since Thunder below isn’t QUITE a fae, it doesn’t work quite the same for him, but he’s still dealing with the emotional parts of it as the universe tries to figure out what he is.  I.e. disobeying feels really bad; he really likes the woman he said I Belong to You to, and so on.

B. Thunder

All things considered, Thunder thought he’d come out all right.  He might have fallen through a strange portal that hadn’t been there when he started his jump and definitely had been there when he landed.  He might have been kidnapped and, as far as he could tell, enslaved. He might be without his weapons, weapons that had served him for aeons, in a strange land with no contact with home and no way to get there.

But he had been sold to a lovely woman — possibly a frost elf, but she didn’t seem to be trying to kill him, so probably not — who had taken one look at him and, with a smile that showed all of her teeth, declared “I am going to use you to destroy the gods.” Continue reading

Bad Things Happen Bingo: Mischief

Count: ~800
Chara(s): A god of Mischief (OC*)
Pairing(s): N/A
Fandom: Org Fic – Fae Apoc xover
Prompt: Muzzled

So this.  This is a series of stories taking place in my universe, Fae Apoc, at the time just before the aforementioned apoc.  Portals are opening up to one other world at that time, and in this story, well, they happen to open up into a whole BUNCH of worlds. 

And from those worlds, a bunch of poor soon-to-be-victims-of-bad-things who bear some resemblances to fandom characters happen to slip through some portals.  And then bad things happen to them. 

Because that, after all, is the name of the Bingo.

Content warnings: bondage, capture, humiliation

This is technically Chapter Four.  Chapter Three (Genius) and Chapter One (Asset) will return later. 

4. Mischief

He’d really pissed off someone this time.  

Mischief wasn’t sure how they’d taken him down; generally he could get out of any trap.  That was, after all, what he was known and made for. Causing chaos. Getting out of trouble.  Causing more trouble.

But right now, he was in a cage, and they had put a muzzle on him.

The worst indignity of all, the thing that was making him glare at the bars as if without words he might be able to tear them off their hinges, was that they hadn’t even done that specially for him.  

There were people in three of the other cages, and they were all wearing muzzles and wooden collars.

After that, the indignity of being naked seemed hardly important.

But he was Mischief, and he wasn’t going to put up with anything like that.  He could pull on illusion without speaking. He could pull on illusion without his magic.  He could pull on illusion while half-dead and bleeding out.

He pulled his favorite court jacket and trews out of the air and wrapped them around himself.  He tried for a smirk, but the muzzle pressed at his lips and his cheeks.

It was a nasty thing – splintery wood, like the collar, and metal, a piece over his tongue in metal with little spikes in it, and bands under his chin and over his nose.  He had been muzzled before – by the court of his father, for being what he was. By the enemies of his father’s court, for the same reason. Those muzzles had been frustrating, annoying, and in the end, had shown that he had been caught doing his job, being exactly what he was supposed to. Continue reading

Bad Things Happen Bingo: The Hunter, I

Count: ~4800
Chara(s): A Hunter with some demon blood (OC)
Pairing(s): N/A
Fandom: Org Fic – Fae Apoc xover
Prompt: Most Dangerous Game

So this.  This is a series of stories taking place in my universe, Fae Apoc, at the time just before the aforementioned apoc.  Portals are opening up to one other world at that time, and in this story, well, they happen to open up into a whole BUNCH of worlds. 

And from those worlds, a bunch of poor soon-to-be-victims-of-bad-things who bear some resemblances to fandom characters happen to slip through some portals.  And then bad things happen to them. 

Because that, after all, is the name of the Bingo.

Content warnings: violence, death, bondage, capture, drugging, visions. 

This is technically Chapter Two because I started writing this before I found the bingo.  Chapter One will return later. 

A. Intro

The team had found their portal – isolated, comfortable, close enough to a major road for shipping purposes.  They had set up their force of former soldiers. They had the cages.

They were expecting to catch just the would-be gods coming through from Elleheim.  People would pay good money to have a would-be god on a leash.

But then the portals started spitting out some interesting people.  People who didn’t think they were gods. People, as it turned out, from other universes.

The team was fine with that.  They’d sell them, too.

B. Hunter

Chase had been in the cage for three days and it was beginning to feel like a vacation.

He had done all the banishment rituals he could remember, though that was really his kid brother Dan’s job and, naked like he was, he’d been a little short on ways to draw any sort of warding circle or even a basic sigil.  He’d chanted bad Latin until the guards had put a muzzle on him; he’d tried every bar in the cage (twice); he’d tried the wooden floor and ceiling to the thing and found them surprisingly tough. Even with the sometimes-sporadic powers he still wasn’t supposed to have, he couldn’t crack even the wood ceiling.

He’d done everything he was supposed to, so he took the opportunity to rest.  The cage was big enough for him to lay down; it came with a pillow and a blanket, and that meant the only thing he had on his plate was trying to convince his captors to take the damn muzzle off so he could be done with a liquid-slurry diet.

Except this time the handlers were coming with the prods, and they weren’t bringing dinner.  He stood and moved towards the back of the cage. There were three of them. He could take three of them easy.  He’d taken more than that when he landed here, before they knocked him out.

Thing was, was it a smart thing to do?  If he cooperated, maybe he’d get more leeway.  Maybe they’d take the damn muzzle off. Maybe he’d have an opening to get out of here.

It might be a vacation, but he was starting to miss his kid brother, and, besides, there was shit to do back home.

“Kneel, hands behind your head,” the middle handler told him, sounding bored.  Well, they couldn’t have that, could they? Chase grinned at them – tried to; the damn muzzle didn’t give him a lot of expression leeway – and gestured like he couldn’t hear them.

“Last warning, or it gets unpleasant.”  Nobody raised their voice at all. The middle handler stepped forward.  “Kneel, hands behind your head, or you make the trip on a dolly with a tranq dart so far up your ass the needle’ll be tickling your eyeballs.”

Well, when you put it that way… Chase knelt, his hands behind his head.

“See?  I knew you could learn.”  The left-hand one stepped in and cuffed Chase’s hands – to the damn wooden collar, of course – while the other two kept their weapons trained on him until he was cuffed, shackled, and then lifted up into the waiting van. Continue reading

Finish It! ~Third~ Bingo Card

I’ll fill this in as time allows from the below list, but this is my [community profile] allbingo card for the “Finish It” challenge… number THREE (ah-ha-ha-ha)

Clarisse (II) B is for Beryl and her Boys (V) Floatsam (V) How The Family Does things (V) Over the Wall (V) Heroes (III)
Where Do Unicorns Come From? (V) Duty (VI) Rumors about the Family (IV) Bianna (I) The Enemy’s City (III) Take Me (II)
Exhaustion (IV) Carrying the Spirit (V) Road Map To…. (I) Bless the Cat (IV) In the Attic(IV) An Argument of Magic (II)
Cumhai & Begley (III) Change (I) Abrelle:
Linguistic Tricks (IV) Far Weston (III) You’d Better Watch Out (VI)
Packing (II) 9 (III) Charming (VI) Boy troubles (IV) 24 (VI) 19 (I)
30 (VI) 12 (VI) 2 (II) 1 (I) 25 (I) 20 (II)

working on completed next Partial Finish

At any point, I may sub out one of these for another suggested one or something else I need to finish.

The numbers (those that remain) correspond to the list below. This was arranged from the [community profile] allbingo public card, your suggestions, and Random.org’s list randomizer.

The Roman numerals are another way of getting a bingo – do, say, all of the (I) instead of a line or a square or such.

see links here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html

The List
1 Mikary: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/507478.html

2 Aetheric Cleansing.
3 Abrelle: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/480486.html
4 Rumors about the Family.

5 Where Do Unicorns Come From?.
6 Duty.

7 Road Map To….
8 Clarisse http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/565158.html

9 The Cat’s Paw.

10 Linguistic Tricks.
11 B is for Beryl and her Boys.
12 Willard: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/543285.html
13 We met Bianna, since Jin talked to his friends about bringing her up with Jimmy.
14 An Argument of Magic.
15 The Enemy’s City.
16 Boy Trouble, which is rather skew from the previous.
17 Carrying the Spirit.

18 Charming.
19 Rin’s parents, and Rin’s father, and …

20 Shahin and Emrys
21 Heroes
22 In the Attic.
23 How The Family Does things.
24 Fifty Years.
25 Space Accountant: A Reason – and Accidental, and bunking arrangements, etc (Genique got Married?)
26 Take Me (which I realize was thwarting then, and I don’t know if it’d be less so now).
27 Cumhai & Begley

28 Bless the Cat.
29 Over the Wall
30 Trash and Treasures.
31 Change.
32 Packing: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/461258.html
33 Far Weston.
34 Exhaustion.
35 Shenanigans. (There are multiple snippets without immediate followups, but it’s mostly all one thread.)
36 You’d Better Watch Out.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1185712.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Run Away

Fae Apoc, for my Hurt/Comfort card. After And Your Little Friends Too

Odile didn’t trust this whole set-up.

She’d been outvoted, and Callis and Candace had made very good points. They were hungry, they were dirty, and a couple of them had been sick for weeks. They weren’t in great shape. But it was their shape, the shape they’d picked and built and fought for, tooth and claw and knife and gun. There was nobody to tell them what to do, nobody to take out their anger on them. They might not be safe, but they were, well, safer.

But there was an adult with a van, which set off every alarm Odile had, and he wanted to take them somewhere, which set off even more alarms. She stayed near the back, with the little ones who didn’t trust him, either, and the older ones who were as cautious as she was. There was food, but she wanted to wait, to make sure it wasn’t drugged. There were blankets. Blankets could be a trap. There was a smiling adult, not even as tall as Callis, who looked over every one of the children as if he wanted to collect them all.

“Odie?” A toddler, Jenny, tugged on her sleeve. “Odie, hungry.”

Odile swallowed. Nobody was falling asleep; nobody was falling ill. She scooped Jenny up into her arms, noting that she didn’t weigh enough. Had she been this skinny last time Odile picked her up?
She carried Jenny over to the van. The thermoses were full of warm soup, and the man was dishing it out as if he had no fear for his own hunger.

“Just a little for this little one, please.” Odile made herself smile at the man. She didn’t use names. Most of them didn’t. That’s how strangers got you.

“Of course.” He didn’t question her, didn’t press food on her. He filled a small mug with soup and handed it to Odlie, along with a plastic spoon. “Careful, it’s hot.”

“You heard him, sweetie. Little sips, blow on it first.” She talked Jenny through eating the soup, an eye on the stranger the whole time. She didn’t want to trust him. She didn’t want to trust any of this. But she didn’t want to lose her people, either.

She caught his eye; he hadn’t missed her staring at him. “We can leave whenever we want?”

He hesitated, considering his answer. Odile found that interesting. “There will be a chance every day for you to leave when you want. This place, it’s a secure place, so you’d have to be walked out, but I give you my word, if you want to leave, you’ll be walked out within forty-eight hours.”

Odile’s ears popped. She wrinkled her nose at the sudden change in pressure and looked at the man. He seemed sincere. He seemed careful about his sincerity.

“You’re trying to make sure you don’t, uh, you don’t overpromise, aren’t you?”

“Trust is built slowly.” He looked as if he knew that from experience. “I don’t expect you kids to believe me right away. But if I lie to you, you won’t ever believe me again.”

“Smart man.” Odile sipped a little of the soup in Jenny’s bowl, just one spoonful. “Good cook.”
He smiled, like he recognized the challenge there. “A friend of mine made the food. She’s a very good cook, and I’ll pass along the compliment if you don’t come with us. She’ll be pleased to hear it.”

Odile found herself relaxing. She forced herself to stay strong, stay tense. “Good food, too.” She poked at it. “Fresh vegetables. Some sort of meat in the stock.” She gave Jenny back the bowl and got her settled, all while keeping an eye on the man.

He didn’t seem to mind all the scrutiny. “We have a farm, and a garden. We’re way off the beaten path.”

“And you came looking for us.”

There was a pause. The man was considering his answer very carefully. “I came looking for Callis. He is a, uh, well, we have a school, and it survived the, ah.” His voice twisted and turned bitter for a moment. “The ‘Collapse,’ I guess we’re calling it. The school survived mostly intact, and we have all our records. Callis was on our rolls since the day he was born, and so I, well, came looking for him.”

“You spend a lot of time combing the ruins for legacy students?” She’d heard the term in a movie. He looked impressed… and then he looked tired.

“I’ve spent all summer plucking students from the ruins. And… finding the ones that didn’t make it.” His whole body seemed to sag. “It’s not a fun job, but sometimes I get to save someone.”

“And that’s what this is? Saving us?” She was prickly again, looking for the trap.

He didn’t get defensive. That was interesting. “You’re starving, and many of you are ill. Your hide-out is safe as long as you don’t run into anyone as strong as, say, a grown man. What I can give you — what my place and my friends can give you — is a safe place free of predators, food, and a way to start a garden, clothing, and medical care. Callis bargained for an education, including a practical education, for all of you. I can teach you how to fight, or my son; he works well with women warriors. When Callis is done with school, you can stay, or we can help him and you find a new place, a safe place.”

Odile looked at his face, and at the way his shoulders were held, and at his hands. “You’re serious, aren’t you? Just because this school wants Callis, you’re going to give us all a place to live? I mean, nobody does that. Not without wanting something in return.”

He was still again. “You’re children,” he protested, then shook her head, like he knew that was bullshit. “Okay. Here.” He sat down on the back edge of the van, so he was on eye level with her. “When you’re grown and educated, healthy and fed… I’m going to ask you to help me help other people. Other kids, other people who need help. Lots of ways you can do that — be a doctor, be a soldier, be an arbitrator, someone who helps people figure out disputes. And you’ve got a while to figure that out.”

“Grown-ups don’t do this,” Odlie protested. “They don’t. They just, put you in poxes, put you in, you know, where they want you, what they want you.”

The man frowned at her. “Maybe,” he said carefully, “the world changed enough that some grown-ups do. You figure out what you want to do, all of you, and then you can figure out how you can help me. “

Odile took a breath. “You don’t sound like a grown-up.”

He snorted. “Wouldn’t be the first time I’d heard that. We have a deal?”

“You’re gonna make sure we’re safe fed and educated, all of us, until we’re, what, adults?”

“Call it twenty, as near as we can estimate, for the ones that don’t know.

“–and then help us set up again out, somewhere, in the world?”


“And, in turn, you want us to help other… uh. other kids?”

“Other runaways,other refugees, other people who need it.”

She’d never said runaway. None of them did. Say that word and the grown-ups knew you didn’t have anyone. But even as she took a step back, he leaned forward, his voice soft.

“I know runaways. I’ve helped them before. Now, I don’t know if your parents survived this ‘Collapse.’ But if you don’t want to go looking for them, I’m not going to, either.”

She hadn’t seen her parents since something like a year before the world ended. Odile swallowed against something stuck in her throat and nodded. “You–” She coughed, clearing her throat. “You have a deal. I can help other kids, no problem.”

“And I can make sure you’re all fed and sheltered.” He stood and stretched, smirking a little bit at himself. “No problem.”

She still didn’t trust this whole set-up, but Odlie was willing to try.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1200826.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

This suits my mood: my very belated Hurt/Comfort Bingo Card

Since I Finished a Bingo in Ladies’ Bingo…

Now Taking Suggestions for [community profile] hc_bingo!

Suggestions can either be a generic prompt like “Bites, okay, what about an animal attack in Fae Apoc… a /wyvern/ attack?” or specific like “Restrained: Amrit and Mieve.”

(Except not those two because nyaaah)

near death experience runaways dungeons restrained body image issues
toothache loss of vision dub-con destruction / natural disasters [forgiveness]
[forced to participate in illegal / hurtful activity] [burns] WILD CARD secret allies abuse
[on the run] [bites] [family] [trapped together] [archaic medical treatment]
hypothermia drowning [isolation] [homesickness] [betrayal]

Filled [Prompted]

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1189081.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

Finish It! Second Bingo Card

I’m filling this in slowly from the below list, but this is my second [community profile] allbingo card for the “Finish It” challenge.

8 (II) 11 (V) 35 (V) 23 (V) 29 (V) Daxton and Esha (III)
5 (V) 6 (VI) 4 (IV) 13 (I) 15 (III) After the Night (II)
34 (IV) 17 (V) 7 (I) 28 (IV) 22 (IV) Lies, Damned Lies… (II)
27 (III) 31: The Silver Road (I) 3 (III) 14 or 26 (IV) 36 (III) Child of the Unburnt Ash(VI)
32 (II) 9 (III) 18 (VI) 16 (IV) 24 (VI) 19: A Discovery in Depth (I)
30 (VI) 12 (VI) 2 (II) 1 (I) 25 (I) Hidden History, Misplaced Beads (II)

working on completed next Partial Finish

At any point, I may sub out one of these for another suggested one or something else I need to finish.

The numbers (those that remain) correspond to the list below. This was arranged from the [community profile] allbingo public card, your suggestions, and Random.org’s list randomizer.

The Roman numerals are another way of getting a bingo – do, say, all of the (I) instead of a line or a square or such.

see links here – http://aldersprig.livejournal.com/1197753.html

1 An Argument of Magic.
2 Shenanigans. (There are multiple snippets without immediate followups, but it’s mostly all one thread.)
3 Willard: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/543285.html
4 The Portal Closed.
5 Duty.
6 The Cat’s Paw.

7 You’d Better Watch Out.
8 Rodegard — and Esedora.

9 Road Map To….
10 Space Accountant: A Reason – and Accidental, and bunking arrangements, etc (Genique got Married?) – http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1092113.html
11 Fated.
12 The Hazards of Magic.

13 Fifty Years.
14 Over the Wall left off in the middle of the discussion, just as it was taking (yet another) interesting turn.
15 Tilden: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/525842.html
16 Where Do Unicorns Come From?.
17 The Strength.
18 Aetheric Cleansing.
19 Discovery.

20 Three Glass Beads, Peacock Blue.
21 Strange Favors http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/453665.html
22 Rin and Girey, and more Rin, with research.
23 Clarisse: http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/565158.html
24 Unicorn-Chaste.
25 Heroes (and earlier branches).
26 Change.

27 Exhaustion.

28 How The Family Does things — at resting point/chapter break, but there could be more.
29 Boy Trouble, which is rather skew from the previous.
30 Trash and Treasures.

31 The Silver Road.
32 Far Weston.

33 Æ is for Ash.
34 Skill and Dreams.
35 In the Attic.

36 Rumors about the Family.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1144719.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable

I’m doing another Bingo, perhaps

<td width=20% bgcolor=" #cce6ff
” style=’border: 1px solid #900; vertical-align:middle’>Enemies
Regine & Cya

From the Family Library
Jason’s Roses
Alternative Professions
Cousin Artemisia
Rosaria, Cady, Lily
Relative values: Families
Aud and Zizny Back Fence
A Murder to Solve Early Morning
Summer Solstice
Everything Changes Jealousy
A Battle / Fight / Confrontation Teenagers
Beryl and Chalcedony.
Wild Card
Wild Card
Deborah’s backstory
Sensory Deprivation
Close Crop/Zoom Wabi / Sabi It will be a Terrible Scandal
Grannies/Aunt misdeeds
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
Electromagnetic Waves
Virginity / Sexual Inexperience All the Dead Characters are Living Together Alpha / Beta / Omega Mutation / Transformation
Outsider POV

This is [community profile] ladiesbingo, which means each prompt should involve the relationship between women.

Now taking prompts! I’ll mark the squares above as they are prompted, and your prompt has a better chance of being written if it is in line with previous prompts (so I can make a bingo, you see).

Any setting of mine and any fandom I can write comfortably is up for grabs. Not sure about the fandom? Feel free to ask!

Edited to add: The prompt explanation post

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1167896.html. You can comment here or there. comment count unavailable