March Giraffe Call: Spring Cleaning Lyn’s Queue!

The call for prompts is now OPEN!

I am now taking prompts on the theme of “Weren’t you going to write…?” Leave one or many prompts, and I will write (over the next month) at least one microfic (150-500 words) to each prompter.

This month’s theme is a little different; it’s an attempt to knock some of the balls out of my rafters (where they get stuck when I have too many balls in the air). Did you hear me say “I want to write about…?” or think I should write more on a story? Now’s the time to bring it up.

Need ideas?
More-Please tag
This discussion of my queue

Prompting is free! But Donations are always welcome.

If you have donated, I will write to one extra prompt of your.

In addition, for each $5 you donate, I will write an additional 500 words to the prompt(s) of your choice.

If I get two new prompters or one new donator, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll).

At $30 in donations, we’ll get take out.

At $40 in donations, I will post an additional 1000-2000-word fic on the subject of the audience’s choice.
At $50, anyone who donated $7.50 or more will have a copy of “Alder by Post” mailed to them if they wish

At $70, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator

At $75, we will upgrade our wheelbarrow to an AWESOME CARD

At $100, I will write three extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator

At $130, I will record a podcast of an audience-choice story and post it for everyone to read.

At $150, we’ll upgrade the awesome cart to awesome-cart-with-sides and be able to haul EVERYTHING!< Also I will release an e-book of all of the fiction written to this call.

If I reach $200, I will hold a mid-month Call on a single setting of the readers’ choice. Everyone who tipped will get wordcount-and-a-half

For more information on Giraffe Calls, see the landing page.

Donate below

Art by Djinni!
I also take payment by Dwolla

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

0 thoughts on “March Giraffe Call: Spring Cleaning Lyn’s Queue!

  1. I believe we already have an arrangement about gremlins. 🙂 Prompts: Rin and Girey – filling in a blank space after they reach the palace. Black House

  2. I think you’ve already written four pieces just today that were on my giant list of all the things, and mentioned at least two more in queue or in progress, so I’m just going to run in circles and squeee with enthusiasm a lot. 🙂

  3. I don’t recall if you ever said there would be more, but have you had any thoughts of continuing Fish Story/Falling/Limping There, the Tir na Cali story with the mermaid? In Small Words you said you wanted to see more of Fred. Poor Fred, sounds like he was taking to the lessons more than most of the others, but now likely in quite a bit of trouble.

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