Archive | March 15, 2016

The Serial Islands, a profile

I’m trying something new with the upcoming serial – essentially asking the prompter-level donors to fill in parts of the serial description.

Clare filled in the first blank, giving us the Serial Family of hikers.

MB & @Dahob filled in the next two, so now I have: Once, there was a [(Family of Hikers)] who lived in a [(tropical)] [(sky island)].

Here’s your tropical sky island:

The Serial Islands – a geographic profile (for Patreon)

repost note: some of this has changed either a little or a lot since I wrote this back in 2016 -Lyn

I’m trying something new with the upcoming serial – essentially asking the prompter($5+)-level donors to fill in parts of the serial description (you can see it here in my reward-tier profile).

M. B. and Hob gave me setting notes, which tells us that our family of hikers lived on a tropical sky island.

So here’s your floating archipelago:  Continue reading