A drabble of Summer

More or less to [personal profile] eseme‘s prompt and a companion to Character Study: Melinda

Summer was always the last to go to sleep.

She liked the quiet moments at the end of the day, the way she could cuddle with a sleepy Bishop and Mellie until, one and then the other, they headed off to their giant cobbled-together bed. She liked stroking their hair and their backs while they watched TV or studied together – sometimes, despite all advice, both at once. She liked sleepy late-night kisses.

And then she strolled the house alone, listening to the noises the old place made, picking up this and that. Sometimes she would whisper charms for her family, charms for her lovers. Sometimes she’d just stay up studying.

Tonight, she wandered out to the back yard and stared up at the stars. It felt like they were watching, reminding her to be good.

Summer stuck her tongue out at them and went back inside, where the lights were warmer and less distant.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/1093006.html. You can comment here or there.

13 thoughts on “A drabble of Summer

  1. <more warm fuzzies> … why does Summer think she needs a reminder to be good? (Okay, I’m assuming the stars have no opinions and that interpretation is in her head, but possibly there are lurking strands glaring at her.) She’s not as staid as Winter, but on the whole she seems inclined to do the right thing.

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