Archive | July 11, 2017

Patreon! A Repost and two summer ficlets

Originally posted Oct. 28, 2011
Officially, the Sandborn Institute and Lady Cassidy’s Academy for Young Ladies did not have mixers. There was nothing the Black Tower wanted to hear from the Pumpkin, and nothing the Pumpkin wanted to say to the Tower.
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This is just a little story of summertime and beaches, because I wanted to.

At first, we all thought it was some asshole in a particularly good Godzilla costume.

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This is written to @medic‘s very enthusiastic “More, more!” to No Rest on This Beach

So there we were, eight-foot Godzilla-like thing on the beach smashing sandcastles and throwing around policemen, and I, at least, had been planning for a nice quiet weekend blending in with the locals and watching the myth of the supernatural from a nice safe place.

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Side Quest – a Camp NanoWrimo Story – Four: The Narrow Cave

Four: The Narrow Cave

The cave was, indeed, very tight, and if Raizel had been any better fed, she would not have fit. Trinner Traln and the round man shouted at her and each other as ehs slipped through the opening, moving more like a snake than even like crawling.

“How did you even get this in here?” she called.

“Ah…” Trinner seemed to have rolled into one of his jittery, quiet times. The large man guffawed.

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