Archive | February 2020

Purchase Negotiation 35 – Book Depository

First: Purchased: Negotiation


In the end, they wandered aimlessly – or at her aim – around the campus for two hours while Leander learned a whole bunch of things he thought he’d never remember.  He also noticed where he’d put himself if he was a sniper, the bottlenecks where he didn’t want to get caught with her if there was a problem, the places they could take shelter and set up defenses if someone came after her. 

At one point, she noticed where his gaze was.  She pointed up at the bell tower nearby. “That’s completely accessible.  You need a university pass, but that’s it. Pretty sure my father does a Forces shield around it every time he’s on campus, and he might renew it when I’m not looking.” 

She twisted her face, but Leander nodded approvingly.  “It’s a good idea. It’s not just your hide he’d be protecting, either,” he added gently.  “If someone does come after you, they might not care about collateral damage.  They might want it…” He trailed off.  “Tell me about this SpringFest?”

So she did, although she kept glancing back at him, like she was considering what he’d said.   Continue reading

Saving the Cult (if not the World), Chapter Nine

Saving the Cult (If not the World) "It's time." Manfield Lee knew he was good at sounding authoritative even when he didn't know what he was talking about - he'd turned a fortune into a megafortune doing just that, after all, not to mention running the Organization - but right now, he DID know what he was talking about. After all, it was just a date, wasn't it? And if the date turned out to be wrong, well, then he knew exactly what to blame it on, and that blame would fall on the scholars and the psychics, not on him. The other thing Manfield Lee knew how to do was to place the blame in very specific ways that were not him.


Jackson was watching her intently.  She pressed her thumb to Dylan’s forehead and felt her power in her hands, the way the force flowed through and out of them, the blue tingly light that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside of her. 

Dylan stumbled slightly and blinked at her.  When she pulled back her hand, there was a faint glowing blue light on his forehead. 

“And the neck,” Jackson urged.  “Same thing. Back of the neck.”

“Not the neck,” Dylan protested.  Even as he was complaining, though, he was kneeling.  Continue reading

The Trap

Sort of dark around the edges but with most of the darkness hinted at, rather than outright. 


The place, the man, were mostly rumor. Somewhere in the city, in a place not all that traveled, a man – a mage? a warlock? a scholar? – had a labyrinth. If you could make it all the way through, end to end, he would offer you a position at his side.

Krista had found the man with not nearly enough effort, which she attributed to all the other girls who also wanted to be offered a position with a man who was clever or rich or magical enough to have something like this hidden in a city where you could barely sneeze without 90 other people knowing. She had lost the first year, getting only a very short way into the maze before it spilled her back out the other side.

The second year, she had made it halfway through.  The third, three-quarters.  She was one of the only ones who had come back again and again; most girls gave up after a single failure or, maybe, if they were rather motivated, twice.

But Krista had been watching. She had watched how the other girls entered the maze, and where they exited.  She had been asking questions, and although many of the answers were “oh, bugger off” or less polite responses, she had gathered a series of answers that told her something about the maze.  She had been reading up on such things, in every book she could beg or borrow or steal on the subject (although those that she stole, she was scrupulous about replacing). She had been retracing her own steps in her mind, and on paper, and then on a giant chalk replica that was still 1/4 the size of the real thing, drawn in a vacant lot.

The real thing was made of walls twice Krista’s height and taller, twisting in circles of varying heights.  You could only ever see a small corner of it at once, even from the observation platforms, and it was immensely difficult to hold in your head.  The runes etched on the walls seemed to make you disoriented, making north south and up down until you found yourself stuck in one of the many roofed tunnels, clinging to the ceiling for fear of the floor.

The maze was not a nice thing, that was for certain.  It was nastiness through and through. It was painted and carved with magic and more than that, she was pretty certain that some of the shapes of the passages themselves were magic. And the magic said turn around and no way through here and you’re obviously not smart enough for this – that one had almost gotten her the first year.

And the magic, she thought, said something else, too, something that explained by the girls who did make it through, even when you saw them in their rich-people clothes at the fanciest events, saw them at the side of the man who had made the maze, saw them when they left the man eventually, richer for all that but still leaving him, they looked wrong, somehow off, wan and thin and, if you looked at them in the right light, the labyrinth had left its mark on their very veins. You could see its runes and its twists glowing through them.

And still, here Krista was, ready to take the test of the maze once more. She knew what she had to do. She was pretty sure how to do it. She even knew what she would say, either way, any way.

She made sure she was last in line. She waited until four other girls had gone through – never boys, never men, never women, never those who walked between those lines, only girls before marriage but of a reasonable age to be married, should they want – and waited until they had failed. The numbers were going down. The first time Krista had done this, there’d been nearly a hundred girls. And now – now, five.

“And our last candidate!” The man had a platform in the center of the maze from which he called out jeers to those who failed and called for the next girl. “Oh, I’ve seen you before. Think you have the trick this time?”

“It’s possible,” Krista agreed. She smiled at the man while she held in her head three images.

The way that their apartment, cramped, leaking, cold, and dank, was too small for their family.

The maze, with all its twists and turns.

The face of Susan, who had won three years ago, when Krista had seen her at the market.

She jumped down from the platform and she ran – she’d been practicing this, too – all the way around the circle, or, rather, exactly halfway around the circle of the maze, until she came to the exit.

Though it wasn’t marked that. It was an end, and you had to make it through, end to end.

Krista kept running, right into the exit and taking a sharp left, ignoring the easy traps because sometimes people just wanted to peer in and know.

The spells grumbled at her, but they grumbled backwards. They were built to read her presence, powered by her presence, she had surmised. So when she moved backwards, they said Here Belong, don’t you?

And she said yes and kept moving.

“Hey!” cried out the man. “Hey, you can’t! You can’t!”

He lept down from the platform.  Krista couldn’t see him once he jumped down, but she knew that he’d told them, over and over again, “only one person can enter at a time.  The maze won’t allow another person in until the next one has come out.”

She wondered if that included going in the “wrong” entrance.  She wondered if he was going to drag her out.

If he did, she considered, it might be worth it, to have done something that, as far as she knew, nobody else had tried.

She came upon a part which was tricky in any direction and, for a moment, she had no concern for the man whose maze this was.

By the time she had untangled that twist, she knew she was nearly home-free – and she could not hear nor see the man.

She kept going. The spells nibbled at her, but she was less and less concerned.  They turned her around, and she turned around again. She fell through a trap and pulled herself right back out.

It had never been this easy before, except that one section where she’d thought she was doing fine and she’d ended up in one of the false ends that caught you and spat you back outside.

She chewed on her lip. “You can’t-” she heard a voice from ahead of her.  “You have to under – shit.”

It sounded like the man who owned the maze, and yet – and yet it didn’t.  She’d never heard the man sounding anything but proud and confident.  This sounded anything but.

She kept going, towards the voice, although she knew it might be a trap. “You never said,” she called, “that we had to go in a specific entrance.”

“Entrance, it’s in the word, entrance, not exit.” His voice echoed. She thought he might be a couple loops in front of her, or maybe he was somewhere completely different.

“And yet they’re not labelled.”  All she could do was go through the maze, holding it in her mind, not letting the man distract her. “Did I break the rules you stated?”

There was so long a silence she thought he’d fallen into his own false-end trap.  Then: “No.  You broke no rules I stated. You’ve done something awful, but you didn’t do it in defiance of a single rule.  Clever.”

She thought the clever sounded grudging, but it was hard to tell with the distortion of the maze.  She was nearly through, though.  “And if I make it through?”

“Then you’ll – then you’ll have… a position at my side.”

Krista rounded the last turn to find him in the First Trap, the one that stopped about half the girls who tried. He was kneeling, his hair that had looked luxurious and fancy in his face, his hands on the rough ground, leaving rivulets of blood.

“Come on,” she told him, holding out a hand to him.  “It’s time.”

He took her hand and rose. His hair still obscured his face.  “You could walk me through in the other direction,” he offered, sounding hopeful.”

“The exit is right behind us.  Come on.”  She squeezed his hand, despite the blood, despite the gasp it elicited from him. “Almost there.  It’s never easy, but we can do it.”

“You’ve been here a few times before.”  He had straightened, although she still couldn’t see his eyes, but he seemed to be trying to regain something of his poise.  “I remember you.”

“You said that when I came in,” she reminded him. “How do you keep track?”

“Oh, the maze does a lot of the remembering.  It’s harder every time – or hadn’t you noticed?”

“I hadn’t noticed.” That wasn’t quite true – she’d noticed that the traps changed and seemed to push at the buttons she had reacted worst to on her previous visits, but she didn’t want him to think it was hard. “You must be screening for specific things.  What sorts of things?”

“Cleverness, of course, and doggedness.”  He caught his breath as the initial wave of self-confidence- destroying magic washed over them. “And the ability to – to – to tolerate insults, clearly.”

“Clearly. You must be difficult, then, to work with.”

“The worst.  But you- you’ll see, won’t you?”  He laughed, short and bitter.  “You’re going to win.”

“Lots of girls win.”  She squeezed his hand. She was practically dragging him through the maze now.  Was he trying to simply make her not win by physical force?

“No. Lots of girls get to the end of the maze. Maybe two in a really good year, maybe three at the most.  But you, you’re going to win.”

“You’re not making sense,” Krista complained.

“That’s because you don’t know what’s coming. I – I know what’s coming.”

“Tell me, then.”

“We’re nearly there.”  Now he really had set his feet and was pulling back against her.  He was laughing, too, a crazed sound made worse by bloody strands of hair falling all over his face.  “We’re almost there. You’ll know soon enough-” With the last word, he yanked her backwards.

“I did not come this far for you to make me fail again!”  She yanked him forward with a mighty tug,

He came tumbling into her, feet skidding, and they left the maze together, her first, him on top of her.

She wasn’t sure what it was she was feeling as they fell out of the maze.  Was this the way winning felt?  Was the noise he was making supposed to happen? Was the blood on her hands – no, she knew where that had come from, but – but it felt good, and that was weird.  The whole situation was strange.  He strumbled, not to his feet but to his knees.

Something in the magic pushed Krista to her feet. “I won,” she told the kneeling man. “I got through the maze.”

He looked up at her through bloody and matted hair and laughed, a sick sound that, after a moment, changed into something else.  Something desperate. “Yes, you won. And your prize-”

“To work at your side.”

“Ah, ha, ha, no, that’s your prize if you get through the maze. Do you really want that, now?”

Krista looked down at him. “I want to know what you did to the ones that got through the maze. I want to know how to fix it. I want to know why you did it.”

He pressed his forehead all the way to the ground. “As you wish.  As you wish.”

As the power washed over her, Krista began to understand what, exactly, she’d won.  She laughed, a little bitter and a little sick and, then, realizing the power of this man now saying as you wish, in joy.

“Then let’s get to work.”


This was entirely written off of the idea “I want a trap situation, like some of the roleplay set-ups we’ve done in Addergoole, where the trapper becomes the trapped” and then discarding more and more situations until I had something that was definitely not Fae Apoc and was… I have no idea.  But voila. 


Want more?

The Bellamy, Chapter 7

It is nothing but self-kindness to be kind to the new.  Everything here was strange and Veronika wasn’t completely convinced that this wasn’t an elaborate prank.  Still, she ought to be polite. She smiled back at the woman cautiously. “So I’m in the right place, then?”

“Well, if you’re looking for Ancient Acquisitions, then yes, you’re in the right place.  I’m Severn Herrley, by the way. I can probably help you with anything you need in this department.  And several other departments as well.” She winked, which Veronika felt was a little strange, but hers not to question why and all that.  “So what do they have you looking for today?”

“It’s— Wait, not Alice?”  Hadn’t Eleanor said don’t let Alice give you any trouble?

“Alice?  Oh, Alice.  That’s, ah, what we call the wig stands, or at least the really creepy ones.  No, Severn. And you were looking for…?” Continue reading

Saving the Cult (if not the World), Chapter Eight

Saving the Cult (If not the World) "It's time." Manfield Lee knew he was good at sounding authoritative even when he didn't know what he was talking about - he'd turned a fortune into a megafortune doing just that, after all, not to mention running the Organization - but right now, he DID know what he was talking about. After all, it was just a date, wasn't it? And if the date turned out to be wrong, well, then he knew exactly what to blame it on, and that blame would fall on the scholars and the psychics, not on him. The other thing Manfield Lee knew how to do was to place the blame in very specific ways that were not him.

They ran into a riot. 

Lina had used the word before in that sort of semi-ironic way that she used a lot of words.  It meant people were complaining or people really wanted that TV

This was an as-seen-on-TV genuine screaming riot. 

Nobody was breaking windows, sure, but that’s because there were no windows.  The amphitheater was this great (normally) natural bowl-shaped formation that opened to a waterfall in the back and the lake on the left. It had three bottleneck entrances and, at the moment, it looked like the guards were trying to keep people from leaving, so nobody tried to stop Lina and Jackson from entering. 

She wasn’t quite sure why they did, but even as she had that thought she pulled up a shield in front of them.  “What the – what the hell?”

She couldn’t be heard over the shouting.  She could barely hear herself over the yelling. 

She grabbed someone who was carrying a third of a broken lawn chair. “What’s going on?” Continue reading

Saving the Cult (if not the World), Chapter Seven

Saving the Cult (If not the World) "It's time." Manfield Lee knew he was good at sounding authoritative even when he didn't know what he was talking about - he'd turned a fortune into a megafortune doing just that, after all, not to mention running the Organization - but right now, he DID know what he was talking about. After all, it was just a date, wasn't it? And if the date turned out to be wrong, well, then he knew exactly what to blame it on, and that blame would fall on the scholars and the psychics, not on him. The other thing Manfield Lee knew how to do was to place the blame in very specific ways that were not him.

“Think about it.”  Jackson grinned brightly.  “Showing them this when you’re already good enough to do something like that!”

Lina twisted her face up.  “I’d uh, rather not. I mean.  If they wanted this, they’re going to be pissed.  If they didn’t want it, ditto.”

“Why would they be pissed if they wanted it?”  Jackson’s brow furrowed for a moment before he frowned. “Oh.”  He sounded like it tasted bad. “Because you didn’t tell them?”

“Yeah…”  She watched him carefully.  Was he mad at her about keeping it a secret?  What would she do if he was?

“So you have to have a reason that it’s okay to tell them now and not before.  School? I mean, hrrm…” He shook his head. “No, they’d have lied to school and you probably can’t pretend to not know that.”

Lina found herself smiling.  “You’re gonna help me find a way to tell them?” Continue reading

Seagull Rhyme


“There’s omens for magpies and ravens, but what about seagulls?”

They were sitting on a.bench halfway up the gorge trail, bare knees touching, looking at a flock of seagulls landing and taking off with no apparent rhyme nor reason.

“Oh, there is.” JJ bullshitted with the flare Dary loved. “It’s not as.well known because seagulls are kinda ugly, and so is the rhyme.”

“Oh yeah?” Dary challenged. “One for…”

“One for…”  The seagulls squawked at each other.  “One for the quiet of a morning spent alone.”

“Ah, solitude.”  Dary nodded. “Always a good thing.  So two would be a pair, then?”

“Of course.  Two for the comfort of your lover coming home.”  J found a grin growing. “Now, of course, in some versions, it’s two for the news of a loved one coming home, which is thought to be about the wars, but that’s not the version I was taught.”

“You have some good education going on somewhere.” Dary chuckled.  “I heard it was something like Two for the comfort when your dog brings home the bone, but I bet that’s something someone made up who didn’t have a loved one to come home to them made up.”

“Well, it’s nice to have someone to want you to come home, or at least visit,” JJ offered.  “Let’s see. Three for a foe and four for a friend, which is nice and tidy. But, ah.” JJ paused.  Sometimes when these conversations happened, when Dary fished for JJ to make something up, the things just came, and that could get, well, weird. 

Like now.

“And either way this sign means that something’s gonna end.”

Shit.  JJ blinked.  Where had that come from?

“Five for a voyage; your feet are set to roam…” Okay, that was okay.  

Dary’s knee wasn’t touching JJ’s anymore. 

Six didn’t come to mind, so JJ made something up.  “And six for the strength beneath the silt, the sand, the loam.”

It kind of sounded like death, but it could be interpreted in a number of ways.  Dary seemed to be relaxing again.  

“Seven for the feeling that something’s going wrong—”

Oh, no.  JJ really hated it when this happened, although normally Dary liked the sort of things that JJ “made up.”

“And, and.”  Come on, let it end on a good note.  “-and if you get past seven, then you need another song.”  JJ chuckled. “As I said, it’s a bit rougher than the magpie rhyme.”

They looked at the seagulls.  Four of them were pecking away at what looked like someone’s discarded sandwich. 

“Ah.  Ahem. Look, there’s one more over there.  I think, I think my feet are set to roam again.”  Dary stood up. “Shall we?”

JJ looked at the four-and-one seagulls and couldn’t help but fear that something was ending soon. “Let’s.  I hear there’s miles to go before we weep. I mean. Ah. I mean sleep.”

They headed up the gorge, leaving the seagulls and their omens behind.

 One for the quiet of a morning spent alone,

Two for the comfort of your lover coming home.

Three for a foe and four for a friend,

And either way this sign means that something’s gonna end.

Five for a voyage; your feet are set to roam

And six for the strength beneath the silt, the sand, the loam.

Seven for the feeling that something’s going wrong—

-and if you get past seven, then you need another song.


Want more?


The Bellamy, Chapter 6

When Veronkia emerged on two floors up, the elevator said it was between the fourth and fifth floors.  She patted her hair back into shape and looked around her. 

To the right, she could see a railing where the second floor opened up into the large cathedral-ceiling area around the front desk.  To the left, there was row after row of glass cases, each one labelled with tidy handwritten cards. Forward were rows of bookshelves.  She was pretty sure Ancient Acquisitions ought to be to the left, although she had no map of this area. 

If she didn’t leave this place in frustration after a day, she was going to map it all out, every inch of it, if she had to do it on lunch breaks for the rest of the year. 

She turned her cart to the left, checked her hair again, and headed into the rows of glass cases.  To the left, she was looking at displays of ancient garbage – pot shards, broken tools, a cracked tablet – where some wit had slipped in a couple modern pieces of similar junk with the exact same style of placards.  To the right, a complete section of a frieze gave way after several meters to a section of hieroglyphs.  Continue reading

The Bellamy, Chapter 4.5

This Chapter goes BEFORE Chapter 5.
After y’all have read this, I’ll move it to the right spot in date sequence.


Veronika’s first stop was Local History, where she was looking for a book published by a nearby church twenty-five years ago.  According to her floor plans, they ought to be behind the main entryway and off to the left, just past the display of maps and paintings of the area. 

Finding the maps of the area meant going through a series of stacks which seemed to stretch upwards and outwards in an optical illusion until, like being lost in the middle of a cornfield, it seemed as if she would never get out of the stacks.

Eventually, growing frustrated with going forward for far too long, Veronika took a left turn that had not been in her plan.  She turned right again and found herself staring at a map of the Bellamy and surrounding area.  Continue reading

Saving the Cult (if not the World), Chapter Six

Saving the Cult (If not the World) "It's time." Manfield Lee knew he was good at sounding authoritative even when he didn't know what he was talking about - he'd turned a fortune into a megafortune doing just that, after all, not to mention running the Organization - but right now, he DID know what he was talking about. After all, it was just a date, wasn't it? And if the date turned out to be wrong, well, then he knew exactly what to blame it on, and that blame would fall on the scholars and the psychics, not on him. The other thing Manfield Lee knew how to do was to place the blame in very specific ways that were not him.

Lina and Jackson got to the parking lot, or, rather, they got to the campground side of the parking lot — a strange stretch with some Uhauls and vans, box trucks and the like cheek to jowl with Bentlies and Beemers, Mercedes and Corvettes. 

Another woman in a robe stopped them.  “Sorry, kids. Nobody in, nobody out, we’re locking down.  The boss got a bug in his bonnet and we’re getting ready for the final — well, you know.

Lina didn’t know at all, but she looked at Jackson, who looked guilty and huffed.  “We just want to go into town for a couple hours?” he wheedled. “It’s not like town is dangerous.  It’s barely downhill from here.”

“Sorry, no exceptions.  Go to the water if you want some recreation.  If you want some recreation, I won’t notice if the pavilion behind the food storage gets its lock picked. Just lock it again behind you if you can.” Continue reading