The Random Number Generator has Spoken! We reached $40, and I chose a lucky winner!
ysabetwordsmith will have a second story written to her prompts!
Stories to Date:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M
Prompter Count: 21
Extra Prompt count: 1
Donator Count: 6
Total letters to be written: 28/26
Donations go towards summer renovations: still working on the foyer! I want to make a new bench, a storage area, and a slippers-for-guests arrangement. It’s an 8×4 space; budget is $300.
If I get two new prompters, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll) explaining something about one of my universes.
At $65, I’ll write a third microfic to the prompts of everyone who donated.
At $75, I’ll buy the accessories for the storage area. And post pictures!
At $80, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator.
Buy an Extension |
500 words $5.00 USD 750 words $7.50 USD 1000 words $10.00 USD 1250 words $12.50 USD 1500 words $15.00 USD 1750 words $17.50 USD 2000 words $20.00 USD 100 words $1.00 USD |
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