Giraffe Call Open: A-Z

Today’s Giraffe Call Theme is based off the Blogging from A-Z Challenge.

Over the next 2 weeks, I will write one fic to prompts for each letter of the English Alphabet – one prompt per person; a second prompt for donators.

If I receive enough prompts/donations to write a prompt for each letter of the alphabet, I will write two bonus stories to non-English (real or fictional) letter themes.

Leave as many prompts as you wish. Please leave your prompts in the form of:

A is for Apple
C – Cephalopod Creeps.
and so on.

I will list the letters here. As one becomes “full;” i.e., 4 or more prompts, I will cross it out.

If I get a large number of overlapping prompts, I may ask people to re-prompts with new letters.



Prompter Count: 23
Extra Prompt count: 1
Donator Count: 6
Total letters to be written: 36/26

Donations go towards summer renovations: still working on the foyer! I want to make a new bench, a storage area, and a slippers-for-guests arrangement. It’s an 8×4 space; budget is $300.

If I get two new prompters or one new donator, I will write a setting piece (setting chosen by poll) explaining something about one of my universes.

At $20 in donations, I’ll order pizza!

At $25 in donations, I’ll finally have enough for the hardwood boards, and find a hardwood store in Ithaca! – REACHED!

At $40 in donations, I will choose 1 non-donater at random to receive an additional microfic as well. – REACHED

At $50, anyone who donated $7.50 or more will have a copy of “Alder by Post” mailed to them if they wish. – REACHED

For every $50 donated, I will do a one-hour livewrite on Etherpad or googledocs during the next month.

At $65, I’ll write a third microfic to the prompts of everyone who donated. – REACHED

At $75, I’ll buy the accessories for the storage area. And post pictures!

At $80, I will write two extra 500-word continuations – chosen by prompters picked by random number generator.

Buy an Extension
500 words $5.00 USD
750 words $7.50 USD
1000 words $10.00 USD
1250 words $12.50 USD
1500 words $15.00 USD
1750 words $17.50 USD
2000 words $20.00 USD
100 words $1.00 USD

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

0 thoughts on “Giraffe Call Open: A-Z

  1. A is for Abracadabra Addergoole B is for Beetles C is for Charismatic Cats D is for Dystopia E is for Euphoric Elf F is for Feisty Friends and that should be enough to cope with overlaps, etc. (or maybe not.)

  2. H is for Holy Hot Hell Night, Batman K is for Keeping Karin-Kevin-Kat Q is for Queer Questing T is for Terrible Thorny Twins X is for Xocolatl Xantusia Y is for Yellow Yarara Z is for Zoe’s Zoo

  3. A is for Audrey B is for Beryl, the Boys in her life C is for Cthannie D is for Diapering Dragons E is for Evangaline F is for Felines attached to the Family G is for Grinning Gremlins H is for Herbs that are stored in black jars I is for Icon, Informative and yet Inconclusive J is for Junie, Jin, and Jimmy K is for Kelkathian L is for Lavender-and-tea, the voice of a kitten M is for Miss Milligan N is for Nehemiah, neighborly to past nemeses O is for Old Tyler, who sings P is for the Paths that cross in the Park Q is for Quest, a demon for a young knight to slay R is for Radar, more or less a cat — a bit more S is for Sage T is for Tinies with a hundred-year lease U is for Utilitarian Unicorns V is for Vandal and Valadictorian W is for for Willard X is for Xenophobia Y is for Yesterdays documented in Yellowing journals Z is for Zenobia

  4. A is for Alpine Adventures B is for Bushy-tailed Beagles C is for Cruising Cats D is for Dances Down in that underground school E is for [Error: letter already used up] F is for Finding Fun with Friends on Friday G is for Goggled Goblins H is for Hieroglyphs and Hippogriffs I is for Independent elves Irking Irene J is for Jealousy (eep!) K is for Kittens! Kittens! Kittens! L is for Love in the Library M is for Maurice and Megan Making Music N is for No, Nope, Negative, and Nada O is for Onyx-Black P is for Planners, their Plans, and Precocious Pups Q is for Quintus, what Queries does Quintus have I wonder… R is for Royals S is for Snippets and Slave Schools and Sent-away? (Eep!) T is for Tigg U is for Urchins of the street and their Unusual adventures V is for Vuvuzelas? No? (ducks thrown fruit) How about Visiting ‘Verses? W is for Wylie and Waiting and Work of the home- and house- varieties X is for X-marks the spot (space accountant and treasure) Y is for Yoshi in his Youth Z is for Zizny and the night it somehow ended up babysitting all the kids on the block Whew!

  5. J for Justice! K for Kleptomania L for lollygagging M for Manly! N for No Such Agency O for Oranges and Orangutans P for Possums and Probabilities Q for Qat

  6. A for Antlers B for Bizaar/Bizarre C for Cliffhanger D for Dashing E for Earnest F for Functional Furniture G for Gravy H for Hard Headed I for Infamous

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