Archive | May 1, 2014

Project “Complete;” Time for the Next One

My planned project for June 2014 Nano is going to be a series of short stories/a serial adventure story tentatively named Escape from Rochester.

Its tagline is “6,444,000,000 people are about to die. Raven cares about 31 of them.”

And… yes, it’s my practice-killing-characters-off story.

It’s set in Fae Apoc, in Rochester, NY (probably), right in the middle of the apoc, and stars Raven, probably-a-Faded fae, and approx 62 of Raven’s closest friends, associates, and chance-met strangers.

What I am looking for:
* 30 ways to die in the apoc
(slip out the back, Jack
Make a new plan, Stan
You don’t need to be coy, Roy
Just get yourself free)

* 62 or so fae apoc characters, Faded, near-Faded, or human, with as much detail as you want to give me. Want to be a cameo in a story? Write that up. Want to kill off a version of someone you don’t like in my story? Let me know!

* anything else!

* Oh Yeah: good gods for Rochester, NY

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(It’s Gonna Be) May – looking for THEMES for an experimental Giraffe #promptcall

(also – I need my icons back. As always, I will write 150 words/$ paid to upgrade my DW account to paid).

Okay! This month I want to try something different for the Giraffe Call – as I experimented with here and here.

In essence: over the course of a few days or a week, putting up micro-calls with different themes and a very limited number of prompt openings for each one, 3-6 per micro-call.

Which means I need theme ideas! Something you want me to write about?

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Camp Nano – the End!

The Last Line of my Camp Nano – “That was yours? Pretty freaking creepy.”

I got through, let’s see: two almost-stories of Episodes, 25,788 words. And in Addergoole, 5 chapters and one interlude, including two double-length Hell Night Chapters – 14,921 words.

My Camp Nano total on my own numbers was 40,079 – on the validation, it was 100 words more. I’ll take it!

This was not a particularly good Nano for me. I didn’t ~finish~ anything, I outlined only passably, and I lost interest in my first project halfway through. I had a bunch of bad days and wrote far less regularly than I wanted to.

But! I got through it, I did a couple semi-marathon days, thanks in large part to @nanowordsprints on twitter, and I finished without modifying my goal!

Total April Word Count: 40,584 words.

On to May!

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