Archive | June 9, 2016

The Tea Wars, a story of Rin & Girey, reposted for Patreon

This story re-energized my interest in Reiassan. Written to a prompt of eseme‘s (“something about tea”), it hits on a quiet moment in the journey of Rin & Girey.

Rin & Girey are, of course, the protagonists of the will-someday-be-a-novel, Into Lannamer, the beginnings of which sparked this whole setting in the first place.

Originally Posted July 17th, 2010.

Tea-time was one of Rin’s favorite rituals, one of the few gentilities that remained to her after years at war. On the trail, it became even more precious – a welcome relief from the saddle, a pause to fill her stomach, the kick in the tea that would keep her awake until it was time to camp.

She brewed the tea herself…

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The Expectant Wood, Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Chapter One: Trouble at the Stamen
Chapter 2: The Stamen End
Chapter Three: A Slippery Stamen-End

Chapter Four: The Sharp Exit

Billow’s lips were pursed and her hands were gripping Nimbus’ wrist tight enough to leave marks. Nimbus wanted to reassure her, but she needed all her breath just to keep pulling herself up the side of the slippery floor. For every three steps she managed upwards, it seemed like she slid down two.

“Hold… on…” she managed.

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