Archive | June 25, 2016

…Solved? a continuation ficlet of Doomsday Academy

Acquiring Students
When my tablet runs out of battery…
The Crew Continues
Crew, Continued
The Day
A Pact
The Pact Slips, Part I
The Pact Slips, Part II
A Solution

Doomsday Academy, a couple weeks after “A Solution”

“Hey, Sunny. I was wondering, I mean, there’s that dance…” Ketil set his hand on Sunny’s arm, stepping close to her. The unseasonably warm day had all the students outside, enjoying a few moments of sunshine.

“The holiday dance?” Sunny smiled encouragingly. Ketil had a shock of red hair and horns like a demon’s, a crooked smile and a scar across his nose that even Changing hadn’t healed. “I hear it’s coming up soon, yeah?”

“I was wondering…” He trailed off as Aron lifted his hand off Sunny’s arm and dropped it as if it were dirty. “…I guess you already have a date?”

“No, no, I don’t… I didn’t…” Sunny’s smile faded.

Ketil shook his head. “I can read the wind, Sunny. Enjoy your date.”

“…what?” Sunny stared at Ketil’s retreating back in distressed confusion.

Much later:

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Edally Academy Chapter 34C: Find a foothold

After Chapter 34A

“The problem is, I don’t really have a plan for this part,” Enrie admitted. They were sitting over an early breakfast — it appeared her teammates couldn’t sleep any more than she could. “I have sort of… bits and pieces of a plan. Go look here, go look there. The first ‘here’

Read on:

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