Archive | September 8, 2016

Over-eaters’ Anonymous, a story of Fairy Town for Patreon Patrons

The support group met in the basement of a building that had, at one point, been a school. No church would accept them, no current school, no Y or rec center or even town hall – and it wasn’t like they had any question about why. They all knew why they were there, and it wasn’t like the name of their group, Over-eaters’ Anonymous, was actually fooling anyone.

They slipped in from separate entrances: through the floor, through the vents, a couple through one of the three doors into the old classroom….
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Starting a New Setting (yes, again)


The idea is more or less a project written in the vein of Dystopic YA stories, with a heavy dose of [ profile] broodingYAhero. I’m not doing nano, just doing a project I start writing in November… or something. It’ll be derivative, of course: that’s the whole plan.

Anyway, above is poll question #1: Where is it?

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