First: Running in the Bear Empire
Previous: Moving through the Bear Empire
“…a bodyguard who is happy with his work is more effective.”
Carrone snorted at that answer, but took the moment to open a door in the wall that was so effectively sandwiched between two other buildings she’d almost missed it. “I should go first, in case Teshone is in.”
“As you wish.” She gestured up the stairs. Was he leading her into a trap? She had one hand on her knife-hilt as they navigated the narrow stairs, her senses on high alert. There was nobody moving upstairs. Something like a mouse scratched in the wall to her left. To the right, the sickly smell of a hatter’s seemed to leech through the wall.
“Here.” The staircase terminated in a narrow landing with three doors; he unlocked the one to the right. Over the hatter’s, then. From there there were three more doors.
“This is beginning to look like a puzzle box,” she muttered. Continue reading