Archive | May 29, 2015

All the Schools Ever: Addergoole East


Dean Storm (Kailani)

Tempest, her granddaughter and a doctor

Petra, daughter of Taro, the Dean’s bodyguard.

Kavan Pensus (seems to teach martial arts; male)

Houses: possibly by this comment –

Motto: “We Learn so that we might improve.”
“To learn, ergo, to improve.”



Professor Heron (name pending)
5 ft. 8 in. tall., slim athletic build, mid back tight curls black hair.
bluegrey eyes, ebony skin.

waterbird related Change; Significant physical Changes include hands and/or feet
Innate ability can transform furnishings in some way.

She teaches Transfiguration?

She teaches applied mathmatics and was a friend of Reid Solomon’s. While she had no interest in the original program, she liked the idea of teaching fae children.
Her best words are Yaku and eperu.

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Yet More Brassica!

Yesterday I planted kale!

Tonight, I’m going to plant kohlrabi!

Left on my list of brassicae to buy: mustard (for seed, I don’t like eating bitter greens <.<) and broccoli.

And I’m going to plant some turnips (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)…

The list so far:
Horseradish, daikon radish, turnip (Brassicaceae family)
Cauliflower in three colors
brussels sprouts
bok choy

Any I’m missing? 😀

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Early World- and Fashion-Building: Reiassan/Homeland


So, when we (I) talk about the proto-Calenyena (lit, people of the Calentata, from Bitrani/Tabersi Shalenti, rulership-by-lay-priest, see Caliphate.), I’m talking about the Rinzyanena, (lit, “People of Rinzyant,” “People-of-this-place”).

In turn, the Rinzyanena were formed from three-plus tribes of nomadic goat-herders who were trapped by a series of earthquakes in a lush southern valley. Although the tribes spent quite a bit of time warring, they spent their downtime talking with each other and intermarrying, to the point where they were eventually one people.

Fashion: the tribes who became the Rinzyanena (whose names are lost to history) wore four primary garments: a tightly fitted vest and very short pants or hip-wrap of brightly colored felted goat wool, and chaps and a long split jacket of the same. They had narrow woven wool fabric at this time, similar to tablet weaving. And most of their garments were heavily embroidered, since embroidery is a very portable craft.

It was not until they settled into a more agricultural lifestyle in Rinzyant Valley that they discovered a flax-like plant and began weaving fabric wide enough for garments; the first woven garment commonly in use was a sleeveless tunic, essentially a rectangle with a neck-hole and side seams, which went under the vest.

It was here that the use of the side-buttoning on the vest first began: they had recently created metal buttons. A tribal chief, wishing to be obviously visible in battle, had run a line of buttons very close together on right right side of his vest (he was left-handed). Soon, right-buttoning was a thing for chiefs and others they determined worthy, because a chief had first done it.

That’s all I have for today! Next tricky bit: the Rinzyanena meet the other two major nations on this continent.

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