Archive | July 28, 2015

Follow Inspector Caracal on Patreon for an awesome new serialized story!

Inspector Caracal, known on Dreamwidth as [personal profile] inventrix, has begun a serial on Patreon!

To quote the Inventrix, Red Crow Company is an “episodic, action-y, heavily anime-inspired story about the titular mercenary company and the jobs they take.” And as of its first episode, it’s enthralling!

Check it out! Get in on the ground floor of an exciting new fandom! Then you can say “I liked it before it was world-famous.”

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August Theme Poll Open

It’s time to pick August’s Theme!

What’s a theme do?

It informs the Patreon Prompt Call.

What’s the Prompt Call do?

It informs the Patreon Stories.

What do the Patreon Stories do?

Entertain you!

What’s next?

Vote on the poll!

Want to see previous themes?

Check out the tags below, or look at my Patreon!

This Poll will close in the evening of August 8th, Eastern Time.

If you do not have a DW account, you can vote in the comments.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

Pickled Daikon – an update

The recipe says to wait 2 days. I tried it yesterday, and found the pickling hadn’t really penetrated the daikon completely. Today – delicious. Absolutely tasty.

However, it might actually be a little TOO sugary for me…

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Tropes I like Reading (& Writing) in no particular order

Inspired by cluudle‘s post here, written in 3 minutes so probably not nearly a complete list, and much of it will not be a surprise to anyone.

Capture the flag and all variations.
Enemy prisoner, unwilling captive, angry slave
And of course the stockholm
Princess that doesn’t fit in.
Warrior princess
Warrior people <.<
Animal people
Feral people.
A top who isn’t quite.
Corrupt society and the slow fixing/surviving it
domineering society/adults/powerful people
eugenics (as a story theme!)
Gender swapping
New World
World under the normal world
Portal fantasy
Finding Kin
Taking a clever stand against authority
Unlikely romance
uneven power roles
Thick chewy worldbuilding
Especially world-building in post-post-apoc real-world
rebuilt societies
prepared people
colonization of new worlds
Alien interactions

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The Queen’s Councillor, a fiction piece of Tir na Cali

This piece is written to [profile] kc_obrian‘s prompt to my “write something short, Lyn” prompt call here. It is set in my Tír na Cali setting; read more about Cali here.

This story is open to all readers on Patreon!

Nobody knew where he had come from, and among the Queen’s courtiers, this was a strange and unheard-of occurrence. He was tall, like an American, fair and freckled, like a Californian, polite and brilliant, like a politician. He sat by the Queen’s side in meetings of state and he spoke, quietly, and only when he was asked to. He, it was said, counselled Her Majesty on all matters….

(read on)


This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there.

The Queen’s Councillor – Patreon Post

This piece was written to K.C.O’Brian’s prompt on my “Write something short, Lyn” prompt call here. It is set in my Tír na Cali setting; read more about Cali here.

It is a beginning, not a complete story.  You can always commission more of any story if it piques your interest!

This is set in a previous generation of Tír na Cali. 


Nobody knew where he had come from, and among the Queen’s courtiers, this was a strange and unheard-of occurrence. He was tall, like an American, fair and freckled, like a Californian, polite and brilliant, like a politician. He sat by the Queen’s side in meetings of state and he spoke, quietly, and only when he was asked to. He, it was said, counselled Her Majesty on all matters.

He wore no collar and no ring, he claimed no title, and he acknowledged no mother’s name. He was called only Peter, in a land where almost everyone waved long names like flags displaying their wealth and their lineage. He claimed no honors at all, except Queen’s Councilor, which was a position that had not, until that day, existed.

He had been here for months, but now, every whisper and every rumor was coming up again, louder, barely hidden. Continue reading