The Great August Rebloggening Challenge

home site housekeeping challenge

Do you find yourself going “man, I really should…” about your web presence?

Are your links a mess?

Was your “about” last updated in 1999?

Do you have a page which references “current” serials you can’t even remember when you finished?

Do you want to move things to a new site, clean up old sites, or rearrange things so people can find something in particular?

Do you want to get into or back into a regular posting habit?

Welcome to the home site housekeeping challenge!

The Challenge:

Pick a number of tasks you wish to commit to doing per week (1, 3, 7, 11, ??)

Post weekly here for accountability, and on the hashtag #HomeSiteHousekeeping wherever else you post

List all the tasks you want to do

Break them into manageable tasks.


The reward:

A cleaner, fuller, happier home site!

Also, I will make badges.

Also-also, I encourage people to give feedback on changes and visit other challengers sites!

The Add-Ons:

I would love it if others would help me come up with occasional daily or weekly mini-challenges.  Daily should be small, able to be done in 10-15 minutes at the most.  Weekly can take up to an hour and a half total, I’d say.


Daily: What’s the part of your site you have changed the least recently?  Do you still need it? If not, time to archive it!

Weekly: Is there a graphic on your site that you look at every day? Should it be updated? (Is there a place you just NEED a graphic you don’t have?) Time to update it!


Who Can Join?

Everyone!  Anyone! You! 

Tell your friends! Tell your foes! Tell your mom! (Don’t tell my mom…)


It’s August first, friends! Let’s clean our sites!

4 thoughts on “The Great August Rebloggening Challenge

  1. Me!

    Goal is 11 things a week.

    These include:

    * posting or scheduling 3x (or more) posts a week on blog and same on patreon (6)
    * Patreon Xposts (I would like to get up to date; I’m counting 20 minutes of crossposting as One Thing.)
    * Landing Page Landing Page – a summary and description of all of my settings so people have some idea where to start. Each new setting counts as one Thing.
    * Thimbleful Posts – each two scheduled posts counts as one Thing. So does each promo every Thursday (Masto/Twitter/Pinterest/Tumblr)
    * Long-Form Stories page – needs to be fleshed out; it currently only has one long-form story on it! Each new story counts as One Thing.

    * Promoting This – Any challenges I post to this counts as One Thing.

    If I do one of each of those things listed above every week, that gets me to 12!

  2. Challenge ideas

    Find a post that has not been tagged/categorised properly. Tag/catergorise it.

    Fix up the landing page for a tag.

    Add/update a page/heading/whatever to your navigation scheme. (How do people find things if they can’t nav?)

    Fix some minor thing that’s always been annoying for mobile/desktop users

    Break down a task that’s too big, into smaller chunks that you can later focus on. Bonus points for anything that results in simpler ongoing mainetenance tasks.

    Add something relevant to your “where to find my works” or “contact” page

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