Archive | October 10, 2020

Blog Post: Apples and Dog-cations

It’s October!

It’s October and there was a stranger picking apples from our tree this week.

I mean, not exactly strangers.  The lady – Barb – comes by every year.  She comes by about a month early every year and we tell her our apples will be ready in October, so she came by Friday with a grandson and picked a couple bushels I think.

(Every time I say bushel, I hear my grandmother singing “I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck…”)

(Turns out it’s from Guys and Dolls! )

Then today, Ezra, who lives a block away, stopped in – he left a message a month ago and turns out, no big surprise, that he works at the same university that I do.  He makes cider!  And he offered us some sweet cider in return. Continue reading

Upcoming Plans~

I have plans for Autumn and Winter!

October: The Squish-Squash Prompt Call!  Check it out and leave a prompt; comment on stories you want to see continued.

October, too: Preptober!  Gonna end up starting a little late – probably tomorrow, maybe as late as the 15th.

November: NaNoWriMo!  I’m going to do a series of completions, and maybe a story for submission.

Compendium of Completion

December:  Map-vent.  A new event I’m making up.  25 days of maps. Or work on maps.  Mapping on Maps.

Late December: Live Writing Day – see this tag – – for past years of livewriting days! I have off:  Friday, December 25-Friday, January 1, 2021.  One of these days (probably Wednesday), I will be doing a full day of writing.

January: Sleep!

Heirloom Gourds

Heirloom Gourds

This story is the fourth one to my Squish-Squash, Pumpkins and Gourds Prompt Call

Aunt Family, new characters. 


“Those are heirloom gourds.  Hi, I’m Millie!  Just move in?”

The woman waving at Cordelia had clearly interpreted her confused gaze.   She was standing in – well, probably in a patch of heirloom gourds.  Her tiny city backyard was absolutely full of vines.  Vines, and giant leaves, and, presumably, gourds somewhere in there, and in the middle of it, a woman in a green dress, her hair curled up on both sides of her head like Princess Leia.  She’d been carefully picking over the vines when she saw Cordelia. 

Who cleared her throat, feeling a little caught out.  “Hi, yeah.  Hi.  We just moved in.  Or, uh, I mean, we just bought the place, we’re not moved in yet.  I…”

She waved the piece of fence she was holding as if that somehow explained things.  Continue reading