Tag Archive | nanowrimo

Upcoming Plans~

I have plans for Autumn and Winter!

October: The Squish-Squash Prompt Call!  Check it out and leave a prompt; comment on stories you want to see continued.

October, too: Preptober!  Gonna end up starting a little late – probably tomorrow, maybe as late as the 15th.

November: NaNoWriMo!  I’m going to do a series of completions, and maybe a story for submission.

Compendium of Completion

December:  Map-vent.  A new event I’m making up.  25 days of maps. Or work on maps.  Mapping on Maps.

Late December: Live Writing Day – see this tag – http://www.lynthornealder.com/tag/livewriting-day/ – for past years of livewriting days! I have off:  Friday, December 25-Friday, January 1, 2021.  One of these days (probably Wednesday), I will be doing a full day of writing.

January: Sleep!

A Finish-It Follow-Up in leading up to NanoWrimo

NaNoWriMo 2020

Okay, so back in 2017 for NanoWrimo I did a year of Finish It.

This year I am going to do something similar.  No new poll; I’m going to start on or about Oct 1st with 100-500 words of notes on each story I want to finish and see where I get. (That’s about 2/3 of nano, the other 1/3 being finishing this nearly-done novel set…)


Here are the links from 2016.

If you find something you a) really really feel strongly about or b) think I really oughta have on one of these lists that I don’t, feel free to suggest it. 

Finish It In November, a poll

Links for the Poll

Poll Links II

Today I am Feeling uncreative

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call

Today, I am feeling uncreative, and so I beg your aid in a story I am writing for the Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call.

I point your attention, if I may, to the world of Things Unspoken.

Cities/places already in existence include

Scheffenon, the Scheif Harbor, high on the Northern Sea (where there are Cornesc-speaking people)
(Scheffenon isnot a Cornesc word, but one from the people who had been here before)

Orschëst, down by the southern border

Corthwin (where the Ash remains unburnt)

the western cities, the ones that had once belonged to an Empire called only To (never the To Empire, the Tovan nation, or anything else, just To)

Here is a very draft map – http://www.lynthornealder.com/2015/04/28/what-happens-in-meetings-a-draft-map-of-part-of-the-unspoken-world/

So!  I need another city.  There’s sort of obviously not one language to this Empire, so it doesn’t have to sound like those above, but should sound… “exotic?”  Well, not Springfield or Washington, let’s go with that.

(Most of my named people have Eastern-European-inspired names, just as a note)


(If I get more than one, i’ll clearly just have to write another story)

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call – Posted so Far!

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call is going strong – although I still want your prompts, tips, and/or Patronage!

Stories I’ve posted so far (and all free for everyone to read):


To the Quiet PlacesThe point, as far as Sheetal had been aware, was to get away from everything and everyone. (Stranded World)


I’m Begging of You, Jolene – On Wednesdays they were friends.

Rebuilding the World

Tinkeringthere was a strange growth in the back of the Terrarium.


Things a Tree KnowsThere were things Quercus knew that didn’t really matter(Fae Apoc)
Walking Away “Something’s wrong with the garden. Did you—?” 


Studied by the Cat GirlsThe ads were obviously too good to be true.


Lord Eigeran, a wiki page. (Bear Empire)


A Dream Fic – The Russian’s MotivesThey were waiting, there wasn’t a better word for it.  


I need more prompts!

(Otherwise it’s all going to be the same
5 people all month prompting 😉

Join my Patreon/tip me and
Leave me a Prompt!



A Dream Fic – The Russian’s Motives

Today’s Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call tale was prompted by my subconcious, i.e., it’s a dream written down.  Cheers!

Content warning for: slavery, suggested violence, some actual violence and abuse, a good deal of objectification of at least one character. 

swear I posted this the other day, but it’s still in my drafts. Soooo again, apologies if this is a duplicate.

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call

They were waiting, there wasn’t a better word for it.  They were quiet, idle, sitting around the lounge.  Except that he wasn’t sitting with the rest of them – neither he nor a couple of those who sympathized more with him, with what he was, had been, would be, than they did with the situation they found him in. Continue reading

Lord Eigeran (a wiki page)

From Tapaciore, the online grimoire

For the late-Rioren Dynasty politician, see Gorpen, Governor Eigeran
Eigeran” and “Yarlen Eigeran” redirect here.  For other uses, see Eigeran (disambiguation) and Yarlen Eigeran (disambiguation)

Yarlen Eigeran Gwymden of Prówit Nod, Lord by the King’s Writ, BE 812-902, [see Deklegion methods of formal address]  was a Deklegion courtier most well known for his part in circumventing/averting the DeklegElherion Empire war in the years of 847-852. He is also renowned (although less so in his own nation) for his work in poetry. Eigeran invented three new poetic forms/styles, one in his native Deklegion dialect of Shoktu and two in Middle Elherith (having spent much of his later life living in the Elherion Empire).[1]

Among his best-known works and accomplishments are the Treaty of the Cliff, a diplomatic treatise in four languages (Shoktu, Deklegia, Middle Elherith, and Carruph) which is credited not only with ending the conflict at hand but solving several entrenched problems in both Dekleg and in the Elherion Empire.  Because the Treaty was considered a diplomatically manipulative document as well as a translation, he was called The Thief of the Cliff or The Lord of Lies both in life and for many decades after his death. The latter title gained him a resurgence of interest from younger generations in both Elherion and in Dekleg twice — in the 18th century and then again in the 24th century.  Continue reading

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call

Teal Deer: If you’re a Patreon Patron, or if you leave a tip from now— Nov. 29th via Ko-Fi or Paypal, leave me a prompt on any one of the last 12 months’ Patreon themes (or Nov 19’s theme) and I will write you words.

The Great NanoWrimo Prompt Call

Hello gentlefolk!

For NanoWrimo this year (yep, it’s coming up that quickly!), I am going to let you — specifically my Patrons and tippers — tell me what to write. Continue reading

NanoWriMo Skip Week

Where’s all the content, Lyn?

It’s in three documents for NaNoWriMo, that’s where 😉

Skip week this week.  Have a few snippets of what I’m working on.

(Green is described as being “days where you did exceptionally well.”  Yellow isn’t described, but those days I wrote less than 1667 of NaNoWriMo-logged words but was still above the Nano Daily Goal overall)

“I am your Aunt!  I am your elder.  And if you cannot be polite to your elders-”

“Then I imagine I’ll have trouble at work, yes.”  Eva smiled crookedly. “I told you I’d look into the Matthews and I will.”  Sometime this decade, for sure. “I assure you. You might ask Aunt Antonia about Cosette and see if she has any insight.  There’s not all that much she knows, but she might – what’s the phrase – there might be something she doesn’t know that she knows.” Continue reading

NanoWrimo Counter


“You think maybe Verve isn’t always going to be reading so maybe she can take a turn on dishes?”
“Afraid not,” Jenivere deadpanned back at him. “I am going to be reading until I die. That’s the problem with being a wizard — you literally can’t stop reading.”


She paused by the settee. One writer had spent a particularly long time describing this piece of furniture, in particular the way that is had cachobons set into the arms and three into the back of the piece. While the writer had not assumed they were magical in purpose or nature, such things had not been quite such common knowledge in the Harve i’s time.

She’d also ordered take-out from the one place willing to drive out to the middle of Nowhere and Cowsville, a pretty decent pizza-and-pub-food place in the nearest town. The pizza sat on the counter next to a soda; she wasn’t going to get pizza grease on Aunt Asta’s journals, even if she was subjecting them to heat, chemicals, and a light dabbing with distilled water.