Tag Archive | personal: house

Tuesday, with strange fears

The weather has been a bit dismal, so yesterday T. finished pulling stuff out of the left half of the House’s eaves. Among the odder finds – porn, for instance, or very strange crocheted bottle covers over wine bottles full of sand – was a WWII era cot, still mostly intact, and a steamer trunk.

Once upon a time, I wrote a story where people, having bought a house, found a steamer trunk in the hidden passageways with a baby skeleton inside. I wrote it, and it still creeped me out. So having found a steamer trunk in the back of a semi-hidden eaves hideaway…. yeah, I made T open it first.

No skeletons. An old mouse-nest and some chewing damage, but no skeletons. I may have to refurbish it. *adds to list*


Links of the day:
I totally want this.
and I think I need to make this.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/136418.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, Happily Tired

This weekend involved a lot of shopping of the sort both of us can get behind – Stuff for the House, and Stuff for the Kitchen.

We now have paint for the bedroom, have agreed on trim & stain colors (woo) for the downstairs (Upstairs is a long-term project, which reminds me…)

…does anyone reading this use their home as a home office, and do you have any resources re. taxes ant the like there?

We also pulled out more dead and just-in-the-way wood from the hedgerow, spent half an hour chopping and digging at a stump, and chopped/lopped/sawed much of that wood into manageable lengths to start a firewood pile. Busy-fun weekend!


The poll is up for the donation-perk story from the last Giraffe Call.

There is also, if you are a donor, a poll (DW) to determine what the donor perk stories will be about.


Check out [personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s continuing writing from her Garden of Prose!


Link today from DaHob: http://www.kagenschaefer.com/pipeorgandesk.html

And a concept from Cluudle: “Wendy House.”

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/135218.html. You can comment here or there.

Wednesday Good thing/Bad Thing

Good: The electrician came yesterday and fixed several things that needed fixing – disconnecting the old, scary boiler, putting in GFI’s, fixing the exterior plug that was open to the elements.

Bad: He turned off the new, non-scary boiler and we didn’t notice until we woke cold this morning.

Good: I’m back on the wagon losing weight.

Bad: Despite the 50 lbs I took off, alderfather has not yet quit smoking. Everyone now! Boo, hiss, Bad Father!!

Good: For only the second time since going on his sugar-cat diet, Drake let me sleep through the night without demanding food.

Bad: Nightmares anyway.


[personal profile] clare_dragonfly‘s Garden of Prose writing is awesome, check it out.

And I began an Autumn story (LJ) in hopes of getting more comments on Meeks’ sketch of Autumn (DW) ; for every comment, I’ll post 100 more words.


Links today are castle-based…


This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/132812.html. You can comment here or there.

Morning, with a small signal boost

It’s raining! Or at least grey-ing very actively.

I put together a set of wire shelves (we <3 wire shelving) last night to serve as a closet until we can finish the bedroom. Yay having closet space!


[personal profile] clare_dragonfly is hosting a call for prompts; her theme is herbs, and there are tip incentives.

(herbs! I had fun with that prompt!)

My own Call is on writing-the-donor-extensions, and then I will put up a poll to determine which other story gets extended. (Also – any ideas for themes?)


Two links for the morning:
http://www.theblaze.com/stories/you-have-to-see-the-441-sq-ft-garage-this-man-calls-home/ (this is pretty cool)

and one more goat house: http://catfishgallery.blogspot.com/2009/09/goat-house.html (not a house, actually, more of a playground).

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/131829.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, after a productively desctructive weekend

This weekend, T. spent large chunks of time ripping large chunks of overgrown undergrowth out – what had thought was razor-wire-like-vines over a bush turned out to be razor-wire-like-vines over more of the same, for instance, and there are grape vines growing over everything; there are entire TREES that have been choked out by grape vines in our hedgerow. (I hear grape burns nicely).

Plus side: we know the soil’s good for grapes, which are on our list of to-cultivate plants (just not, ah, trellised up the 40′ pine?).

Today, T. and I were dragging piles of chopped vines into the hedgerow (mulch!); I asked:

“Is that an apple behind you?”

“In the pine tree?”

“We have pine-grapes, why not pine-apples?”

And, indeed, we have pine-apples (A small apple tree growing right up against the pine tree, putting out different apples than either of the other two apples on the property…)


Michikip is holding another free icon day, and [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith has given me an idea for naming my prompt-calls, so I’ve commissioned a giraffe icon from Michikip.

Speaking of Ysabet, head over to her journal for a discussion on her serial poetry and an overview of her poetic series


I am working on longer prompts now for this past weekend’s call for prompts – if you donated, please finalize where you would like your wordcount to go. If you would like to donate, I am counting all donations to continue prompt work this week at $0.01/word.


Today’s links come from the awesome cluudle, who believes (as I do), that our theoretical pygmy goats deserve a castle.

<a href="
http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2009/06/behold_the_tower_of_baaa_findlay_goat_tower.php”>Tower of Baa-ble

“Goat castle is the best google image search ever”

<a href="http://listsoplenty.com/pix/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/goat-castle.jpg
“>another shot of Baa-ble

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/131276.html. You can comment here or there.

Friday, with goodbyes and fire

Yesterday, we cleaned out the old apartment and turned in our keys. Carpet shampooers are both awesome and scary (there was THAT much dirt in our rug? O_O)

That place is where we buried our Gatsby-cat last summer, so it was harder leaving it than most places. I said goodbye again, and got rather teary. He was a very good kitty. I will miss him forever.


We are pondering a wood stove for House, after fuel-oil sticker shock. The one we want will run us about $2000, but we’re thinking of putting in a smaller, cheaper one now, then moving that to the garage next year or the year after when we can afford the one we want. Fire is nice heat when you have oil as back-up.


Tomorrow is my monthly call for prompts. The theme will be abandoned, lost, and left behind.


And this – http://call-small.blogspot.com/ – is wee and adorable.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/129102.html. You can comment here or there.

Wednesday, Kitty Edition

Drake earned his keep this morning: at 7:35 (my alarm usually starts ringing at 6:40; I get out of bed between 7 and 7:10), he stuck his nose in my face:
“Are you EVER gonna feed me?”

“Blearg. What time is it?” /peer at alarm clock/ “Hunh. I guess I am.”


“Yes, now, kitty.”

Guess I fed him too much at 4, or he would have woken me up on time πŸ˜‰

He’s loving the new place, now that he’s gotten used to it, although the closed basement door offends him, especially when we’re down there cleaning it out, and he’s fascinated by the upstairs; when I call him, he almost always comes galloping down the stairs.

BzzAgent sent us a free bag of Hill’s Science Diet “Age Defying cat food” kibble: though Drake’s on wet food for dietary considerations, he gets kibble once in a while for convenience and teeth-cleaning. He seems to inhale this stuff, which, at $10+ a bag, is probably the most return I’ve gotten for internet surfing since I stopped doing MyPoints.

And now, links, also kitty-based:


(I might make mine in grayscale… πŸ˜‰

aand… less yip, still interesting… Glowing Green Cats

All links via spouse-man

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/128131.html. You can comment here or there.

Monday, with caulk jokes and no cock

Friday, we caulked the tub in the House. Well, I tried, ruined my favorite shirt (still sad about that), and made a mess. It turns out I’m not very good at caulking. πŸ™ T., on the other hand, is pretty good at it.

I can be a bit puerile at times, though, so there were more than a few “caulk” jokes flung about while I was making a mess – and the ugly tub is a bit less horrid for the new, clean, white caulk (however, the shower doesn’t work. Guess I’m getting new tub faucets sooner rather than later (the lever you “pull up for shower” is no longer attached to anything).

Then we were at Lowes ordering a window, sort of shooting the shit with the windows-and-doors guy, and I was talking about learning to use tools from my father, and the salesman asked…

“Did you dad always want a son?”…

I swear, power tools and carpentry and toy trucks and I don’t think anyone has ever asked this. I think I answered “No, he just didn’t see any reason I shouldn’t know how to use tools,” which is probably accurate (Dad? Close?).



Djinni is having another free icon day; tips are appreciated & incentivized but not required. If you’re not familiar with Djinni’s work, here are 4 icons he’s done for me:

and some more

Did I mention [personal profile] meeks has illustrated Autumn in the very first story I wrote about her?


Link du jour: a lego bedroom

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/127807.html. You can comment here or there.

A Fixer-Upper

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith recently posted her poem β€œPicket Fence Committee” about the Monster House, my favorite of her settings and a house that is itself a fixer-upper. This topic is near and dear to my heart right now, for probably obvious reasons.

The House we bought is, by all definitions of the word, a fixer-upper. The bones are solid – foundation, walls, roof – but the inside is quirky, uneven, and rather ugly.

This means two things to us: first, we got the house for less than the appraised value, at an amount that makes the mortgage plus all associated fees (taxes, insurance) no more than our current rent. That gives us a lot of financial wiggle room.

Second, and perhaps more importantly: when we are done, this house will have our stamp on it, un-debatably. We will have ripped out the floors, the walls, the ceilings, some of the fixtures if not all of them, some of the windows and most of the trim, and replaced them – mostly by ourselves; we’re handy people and like doing things like this – with things that suit us.

The bedroom will be painted, a closet added, giraffe carpet. The back room will be turned into a gallery with black walls above the chair rail for the high-contrast art we both like. Most of the paneling will go. Ceilings up, floors down, attic space pushed out. We’ll put in new light fixtures (albeit short ones), and possibly knock out some walls.

It’s like building a house, only very slowly, and getting to live in it while we do it.

And it is a giant craft project – sanding, staining, painting, reflooring, nailing, screwing (hee). And that makes it 100 times more exciting – and sometimes a bit more frustrating – than moving into a new home someone else did all the work on.

Our House has quirks. When we’re not swearing over them, we love laughing over them – much like with our friends. It’s what makes it ours.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/127137.html. You can comment here or there.

Thursday with the urge to spend

The more time I spend thinking about the new house, the more I want to Buy All The Things for it. Part of this is totally justified – there’s a lot of Things that need buying for this place. But I have to be reasonable (I hate being reasonable) and prioritize the Need It To Live, and the Too Ugly to Bear, and then the Decorating Things can come later.

We ha- I haven’t worked much on the house since Tuesday (T. spent much of yesterday over there, in the pouring rain). The bathroom is the current project, fixing some O_O and some WTF into tolerable, adding towel rods, etc.

The previous owners left stuff, and then for good measure, stuff, all over the place. The current found list includes:

At least 4 toddler trucks (the ride-on-them sort)
Two screw-top bottles of wine
8 gallons of paint, all opened
5 vases
1 set of bedding, incl. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pillowcase
and a bedframe.

[personal profile] meeks has illustrated (LJ) my story the Deep Inks; she’s also illustrated (LJ) [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith‘s poem Restoration.

(Comments help sponsor more work on the project; if you have not commented on Meeks’ work before, tell her I sent you! πŸ™‚

[personal profile] ysabetwordsmith wrote a lot of lovely stuff from this fishbowl, but of the stuff that’s public, I like this the most.


Links of the day – a very small cabin and

via [personal profile] ysabetwordsmith, and relevant to my fae apoc history writing: a potential ancestor


Vocab will return when I’m less exhausted all the time.

This entry was originally posted at http://aldersprig.dreamwidth.org/126750.html. You can comment here or there.