This is to clare_dragonfly‘s prompt to this bingo card.
It fills the “Accidental Marriage” square.
It is part of my Space Accountant setting and comes after Taking Chances.
“So you see…” First Mate Cleonorayen Clyd looked uncomfortable. Genique would have felt bad for her, but she was rather busy feeling bad for herself.
“No, I don’t see.”
“It’s space law. It only has to last a year – but it has to last a year.”
“Do you have any idea how much a kid could bankrupt me in a year?”
“I don’t suppose ‘you should have thought of that before you signed the bunking form’ will fly, will it?”
“I was asking for a bigger bed! The Quartermaster said I had to!”
“Ah.” Clyd laughed. “That explains everything.”
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