Archive | January 1, 2014

Doot Doot pay no heed here..

Knifeplay Orgasm denial Case!fic Eating disorder Office / workplace
Atonement Crack!fic Torture High school / college Oral sex
De-aging Bodyswap WILD CARD Comfort food / comfort item Grief
Tentacles Difficult pregnancy Bet / dare Trapped Unexpected pregnancy
Werewolves Friends with benefits Mental illness Arranged marriage Organised crime

[community profile] longfic_bingo

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Doot Doot pay no heed here..

first transformation worst case scenario schizophrenia ostracized from society substance addiction
hookers supernatural: creatures truth or dare slaves mind swap
phobias side effects wildcard fall from grace lose childhood
cursed orphans bodyswap insanity falsely imprisoned
sexual extortion deprogramming hiding an injury / illness broken vows ritual sacrifice


Just holding this here until I finish up some other cards…

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Gamification of life, specifically of self-rewards vs. things I want to get in the habit of doing regularly.

Anyone have a system they use and enjoy? Suggestions? 

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Summary of December

Your Response Requested
A Meme – pick a ‘ship
Pirate Nano – what will you write in January?
OrigFic Bingo Card
Three-Sentence Fic-a-Thon – leave a prompt, answer a prompt, tasty prompts, prompt prompt
Be a Part of My World – the auction is closed; if you bid, you won. Please contact me for further details.

OrigFic Bingo
December’s Card – Feel free to prompt any square, even if filled.
Column “O”
Column “G”

Written for mine own reasons
Unicorn/Factory – The Unicorn Bride Rebellion, Part I
Jasfe Unutu – post-Addergoole, Post-Apoc (new characters)
Linden-Flower Tea – Addergoole, staff
Octi/OTPi… a sillyfic

December Drabbles
Zzzzap, Rory, Year 6
So You Knew, Ceinwen, post-Yr9
About That, Agmund Fridmar, Yr~16
A Staff Meeting. Year 6
summary of earlier drabbles

Signal Boost
Shadow Unit – you should be reading this story

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And a Happy New Year to all

Best wishes to all of my friends, that this coming year be all that you hope it will be.

You are loved. Please remember that.

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