Archive | December 2014

Happy New Year 4 hours 4 minipromptcalls: Regeneration

Happy New Year!

If you leave me a prompt on the topic of regeneration between now and 11:00 EST, I will write a few (20-150) words on that prompt!

I reserve the right to write as few or as many as I want to in that time. Also, I have a bottle of Mogen David & am a happy camper.

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Butterfly Colony, a story for the random prompt call

“So, let me get this straight.”

Alphonze Tertianno was a career bureaucrat, but he was thorough and conscientious about the paper he pushed & the beans he counted, although both were of the electron sort, of course.

“In the personal luggage of one colonist-“

“Which does not go through the same thorough decontamination as everything else,” offered the unhappy reporting assessor.

“-which does not go through the same decon as everything else, there were pupae?”

“Papilio aegeus, sir. Citrus butterflies.”

“And they…”

“They appeared to like the climate of Somascha Four, yes.” The assessor was being very patient. Either that, or she was trying not to laugh.

“…whose native species survive primarily on a series of…”

“On a very citrus-like plant, yes, sir.”

“Are you telling me Matthias Cornellius introduced a chaos butterfly onto our colony?”

“That…” It wasn’t a laughing matter. But it was a matter of laugh or cry, and thus… “yes. That is exactly what I am trying to tell you, sir.”

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New Year’s Prompt Story 1: Chrysalis

3rd Generation; Phanessa is Eriko’s grandkid

Corbet wasn’t sure what to do when his Kept went into the closet after dinner and didn’t come out.

He’d been trying to be good to her, but Phanessa was from a protective enclave and even Addergoole was a bit rough for her fragile self. So he let her stay there, thinking she wanted some privacy.

When she hadn’t come out by bedtime, he peeked – only to find her wrapped in some sort of hard cocoon.

By the time she emerged – late in October – he’d given up on ever having a proper Kept and made other arrangements for his second child.

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Happy New Year 4 hours 4 minipromptcalls: Butterflies

Happy New Year!

If you leave me a prompt on the topic of butterflies between now at 10:00 EST, I will write a few (20-150) words on that prompt!

I reserve the right to write as few or as many as I want to in that time. Also, I have a bottle of Mogen David & am a happy camper.

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Cali, Femdom, Catgirls, Part II

After Cali, Femdom, Catgirls.

Daniel had gotten kidnapped into slavery. He had been beaten up, stripped, beaten a little more, and forcibly showered and combed. Someone had put a thick plastic collar around his neck, and someone else had chained him to the floor. All in all, his opinion of Tir na California was not very high.

And now there was a pretty lady with cat ears kneeling next to him, and she had just clipped a leash to that damned collar. And she was – what was she doing? She was whispering. She was whispering to him. That was new.

“I’ll make you a deal.”

“I’m all cat ears. I mean ears. Shit.”

She chuckled. Maybe he wasn’t totally screwed. Well, other than being kidnapped into slavery, naked, and leashed. “Here’s the deal. For every ten minutes you cooperate in getting out of here without incident, I’ll answer one question for you.”

“Any question?”

“Any question.” She squeezed his hand, which was still chained behind his back.. “Do we have a deal?”

“Do I have a choice?” He squeezed her hand back anyway.

“Of course. She patted his shoulder with her free hand. “You can kick and fight and struggle and I’ll have you carried out of here. It’ll be a scene, I’ll be annoyed, and I won’t answer any questions. Not even about the ears.”

“Not ever?” This was ridiculous.

“Not ever.”

“I… All right.” He squeezed her hand again. “We have a deal. Clock starts…?”

“Now.” She gestured, and one of the thugs that had chained Daniel in the first place came over. “He’s coming home with me. Unchain him, please.”

“He’s a fighter… miss.”

“He’ll be tame for me.”

Daniel chafed, but she was right. He nodded mutely, not trusting himself to say something helpful.

“Surely you want me to leave the handcuffs on, at least, miss?” The thug had gotten the shackles on Daniel’s ankles undone. It felt like bliss to be able to move his feet separately of one another.

“Do you insult all your clients, or just the ones with grey eyes?” The girl’s voice was velvet, but it had claws. Much like her. Daniel watched with interest.

The thug bristled. “Grey eyes don’t make you noble… ma’am.”

“No. But mods don’t make me a slave… dearie. Come on, Daniel.”

How had she known his name? Daniel found his feet, and found them a bit shaky. He could do this. He could – he stumbled, and was surprised to find her hand on his chest, steadying him.

She was short. The tips of those ears only came to his nose. But she was keeping him upright. “Steady, steady.” All the sharpness was gone from her voice. “Small steps at first. They kept you chained up too long.”

“I, ah, he’s right about me being a fighter…”

Daniel found himself squirming. “Any time they unchained me…”

“I can’t say I blame you.” She winked at him. “They’re rude.”

Daniel turned his head and coughed. “Rude. Yeah.”

“Do you think you can walk now?” She shifted to one side of him, her hand on the small of his back.

“Uhrm. Urhm, yes…” He twisted to look at her, and the cold metal of the chain pressed against his chest. “What am I supposed to call you? Clearly not ‘miss.’”

“‘Miss’ is what you call a female slave, when you’re being polite.” She started walking, and Daniel, with the pressure of her hand on his back and the swinging presence of the leash on his chest, moved forward with her. “Do you want that to be your first question?”

Could he stay well-behaved for twenty minutes? He swallowed. “Yes, please.”

“‘Please,’ even. I’ll give you a freebie for that.”

“m… Thank you?” Daniel was not certain if that was a good thing or not.

“My name is Sharanna; you can call me Lady Shar, your ladyship, or my lady, depending on if you’re feeling really formal, a bit formal, or intimate.” She winked at him. “In a pinch, ‘ma’am’ will do for Americans.”

“We get special rules? D’oh… I mean… thank you, Lady Shar.”

“You’re doing really well. My car is just through here. It’s an enclosed parking lot. There won’t be many, if any, people there.” She opened the door, keeping pressure on the leash.

Daniel took a breath. “Plenty of people have already seen me naked… Lady Shar.”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Besides.” She tugged him through the door and put her hand back on the small of his back. “People stare at me, too.”

“I… I can imagine.” He swallowed. “Is talking okay? It’s just…” He swallowed. “This is more words than they let me get away with, back there.”

“Talking is fine.” She stopped and looked at him, looked up at him until he made eye contact. “If something is going to be against the rules, I will tell you, and I will tell you why.”

Daniel nodded. “Uh. Thanks. So talking’s okay.”

“Talking is very pleasant.” She flashed him a smile that had far too sharp of teeth. “I enjoy talking quite a bit.”

“Oh.” He swallowed again, around a lump in his throat. “Oh, good. Uh. Thank you, ma’am.”

“Are you trying out all of the terms of address I gave you?” She grinned at him, all those sharp teeth again.

Daniel swallowed. “Um, yes, Lady Sharanna. I wanted – I – one of them has to feel comfortable, right?”

“In my experience, most Americans aren’t comfortable with any term of address; we’re far more formal than they’re used to. And you’re talking to a cat-girl; you’ve got to be uncomfortable.”

“I didn’t say that!” He realized after he’d said it that he’d practically yelped it.

“I know, I know.” She started walking again, giving a little tug on the leash as she did so. It made the collar press against the back of Daniel’s neck, and that, in turn, made him start walking. So that’s how that works. He wondered what would happen if he balked.

Well, he’d said he’d be good. He wanted answers. He’d have to wait and balk later.

“Everyone thinks variants on the same thing when they see me.” She kept a steady pressure on the leash as she led him through the parking garage. “You’ve been impressive in that you haven’t asked, yet.”

“It hasn’t been ten minutes yet. I think.” Daniel dared a weak joke. “I don’t exactly have a watch on.”

“Tch, no. Aren’t you uncomfortable, naked?”

Daniel didn’t think it was a good idea to make another joke, but he did it anyway. “Aren’t I supposed to be the one saving up questions?”

“You are.” She turned back to grin at him. It was not exactly a reassuring expression. “Should I be a good girl for you, then? For my questions?”

Daniel had never been all that good with girls; he’d never been great at figuring out what answer he was supposed to give. That one, though, had red flags painted all over it.

“You’re the owner, Your Ladyship. I’m the slave. You can ask as many questions as you want.”

She chuckled, giving Daniel the slightly-uncomfortable feeling that he’d passed a test. “You learn faster than most. So – aren’t you uncomfortable being naked?”

Daniel shrugged. He’d hedged long enough to give himself time to think of an answer. “I dunno. I mean, yeah, at home nobody wanders around naked. And I wouldn’t want to go running like this, but I wasn’t a runner, I was a swimmer. So… this isn’t that bad?” He shrugged. “I mean, don’t be mad at me, but being kidnapped and sold into slavery is a lot worse than just wandering around a parking garage naked.” He touched the leash dangling between them. “This, this is a lot worse than being naked.”

“Thank you.” She swung a car door open; he’d been so caught up in the conversation, he hadn’t realized they were at her car. If it was her car. He wouldn’t put anything past her at this point. “So, in the car and buckle yourself in. Then we’ll talk.”

Daniel swallowed. But there was really no point in balking now. He was already kidnapped, already collared. He got in the car.

If only the door shutting on him didn’t sound so final.

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In Which Amrit is Amazingly Eloquent

First: A beginning of a story which obnoxiously cuts off just before the description,
Previous: Amrit Continues, including a description this time.
Fae Apoc, approx. now

Fineus the Whoremonger. Amrit gave it a few minutes of honest consideration. Would a whoremonger keep his slaves locked up around the clock? Would a – what was she, anyway? Beekeeper? What did a beekeeper need with a slave?

He couldn’t manage more than “Uh oo” with the gag they had on him, but he was getting very good at making his meaning known. She smiled, seeming to take that, somehow, as a yes.

“Good, good.” His hands were still shackled behind his back; she grabbed the short chain between them and pushed, leaving Amrit with the choices of stumble-and-fall or walk forward.

She couldn’t leave him chained up forever. And when she unlocked the chains, he’d be able to get away. Maybe exact a little revenge, maybe just run. And never ever sleep out in the open again.

She still had a car that ran; that was interesting. It would have been a piece of crap back before the collapse – a station wagon that was about thirty percent rust, with back doors a different color than the blue of the car body – but if it ran, it was gold now. No use asking where she got the gas – stolen, bartered, or just plain magicked it out of thin air. It didn’t matter. If she had a car, Amrit could steal it when he left. It would make leaving all that much quicker, and when the car ran out of gas, he could hoof it just fine.

“Watch your head. There.” She police-officer’d him into the back seat and buckled a seatbelt over his lap and shoulders. Inside, the car looked in far better shape. “Okay, and, since you don’t know your manners yet – “

Before Amrit could do anything – not that there was much he could do – a thick hood came down over his face. It smelled heavily of spices – cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, like a pumpkin pie – and, more importantly, it entirely blocked out light.

She fastened it firmly around his throat. “You should still be able to breath just fine. Grunt if you’re okay.”

“Uh Oo!”

“Very good. Now, try to relax. It’s a bit of a long drive.”


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Cleaning House, a continuation of Unicorn/Factory

After The Grey Line (lj), Productive, The Governors (LJ), and Right & Wrong

Unicorn Factory has a landing page here on DW and here on LJ

The Guilian story may contain references to “going down to the river” but no direct unicorn-on-human violence.

Santha had been sorting through Antheri’s papers for a week already, and, from the looks of her careful notes, she had at least two weeks to go. From the looks of things, even if Antheri had been completely right about everything, he had also been a) completely insane, and b) willing to do whatever it took to appease the monsters he believed the Governors to be, up to and including murder.

Guilian had not been idle while his new assistant – that was, Santha, and to the sewers with anyone who felt that was inappropriate – worked on Antheri’s paperwork. The Factory and the Town and thus the areas around the Factory and the Town had been under Antheri’s care for far too long; there were more tangles to straighten out than there were hours in Guilian’s days.

Today, he was staring at the output from the Factory, and working on a way to build in what should have been there from the beginning – some sort of filter on the waste. He had already worked out where the coriander everywhere was coming from, and, after a series of long and heated arguments, allowed cilantro plants to be set in pots around the perimeter of the town wall only. It would slow down the unicorn incursions without hurting either the unicorn-pregnant or the beasts (if they were indeed beasts) themselves.

But the coriander was not the only output, and the factory waste currently spewed directly into the river. Thus, the Administrator was standing in hip boots with the foreman of the plant, staring at the grey-black water.

“We need an engineer.”

“An engineer, sir?” The foreman was a steady man, but slow. “What for? We just need to get a bit of space here for a filter set-up.”

Guilian counted to ten silently. “And where are we going to get the space?”

The foreman looked at him as if he were the slow one. “I figured we’d just divert the river three feet that way.” He pointed away from the Factory. “We’ve already got the races in upstream, for power. We can just change their aim a bit, and drop rock here above the river level.”

This time, when Guilian counted to ten, it was to keep himself from sounding stupid again. “Brilliant. Get some workers on that, then.” One more problem solved. If he didn’t get any new problems by dusk, he’d actually be ahead.

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A Week in Alder

Feedback Requested
Crafty Of Writing: Things to Work On?
Which Icon Should I Commission

Landing Pages/Prompts Asked for
Unicorn/Factory Landing Page Updated – taking prompts
Vas’ World Landing Page Updated – taking prompts

Signal Boosting
Rix-Scaedu’s Prompt Call
itsamellama has opened Icon Day Six!

My Serials
Jumping Rings: A Story of the Circled Plain Chapter Thirteen (Choose)

Strange Things & Stranger, a story of Fairy Town

Meeting People!!

Addergoole Stories
Changes in Policy
Two peeks at Doug, Addergoole years 1/14
Free & Clear (Delaney long after Ag)
Addergoole – Amrit
A beginning of a story which obnoxiously cuts off just before the description
Amrit Continues
Addergoole – Doomsday
Science & Getting Schooled (More Luke at Doomsday)

December Meme
Day 17: The Cats!
Day 19: Knitting
Day 21: Christmas Plans
Day 22: Comfort Food
Day 23: Apoc

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Crafty Of Writing: Things to Work On?

So I’ve been thinking about doing a series of posts, looking up tips on specific areas of writing & gathering them here, commenting on them, and trying them.

Those of you who are writers, are there particular areas you’d like to see me cover?

I know one thing *I* need to work on is dialogue tags, for instance. When I reread conversations I’ve written, even I have trouble figuring out who said what.

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